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Sensitive Teeth


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anyone on here have it?  I do--can't use the sensitive teeth toothpaste because of the potassium nitrate in it make me short of breath and give me heart palpitations so I am now using Crest Pro Health one.
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I had jaw and tooth pain, they kind of go hand in hand. I'm not sure there is any tooth paste that can provide any relief for it. The only thing that gave a bit of relief was Aleve. Jaw and tooth pain are a common symptom as Ashton mentions here.


Muscle symptoms.


Benzodiazepines are efficient muscle relaxants and are used clinically for spastic conditions ranging from spinal cord disease or injury to the excruciating muscle spasms of tetanus or rabies. It is therefore not surprising that their discontinuation after long-term use is associated with a rebound increase in muscle tension. This rebound accounts for many of the symptoms observed in benzodiazepine withdrawal. Muscle stiffness affecting the limbs, back, neck and jaw are commonly reported, and the constant muscle tension probably accounts for the muscle pains which have a similar distribution. Headaches are usually of the "tension headache" type, due to contraction of muscles at the back of the neck, scalp and forehead - often described as a "tight band around the head". Pain in the jaw and teeth is probably due to involuntary jaw clenching, which often occurs unconsciously during sleep.



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Also the innervation to the teeth and jaws is the TRIGEMINAL NERVE...one of the cranial nerves which has a mandibular branch and two maxillary Divisions...Anterior and Posterior Maxillary Nerves. In the hyper excitable state of w/d it feels like the teeth are numb or like local anesthesia is wearing off.  This along with above reply lets you know that tooth sensivity can be part of benzo withdrawal.
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  • 1 month later...
Many times sensitive teeth may be the result of excessive grinding (bruxism), you may want to contact your dentist and have a night guard made, and maybe look into getting your bite adjusted (occlusal equilibration).
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  • 1 month later...

Yes, like the person above me said, I grind my teeth so bad at night! I have lost parts of crowns from this! I have cracked teeth in the back and have had a lot of dental work. I wear a night guard. Please see your dentist as soon as you can in case it is this.


The night guard can be expensive. It was hard to sleep with at first but I got used to it. I have worn mine out literally and can't afford one through my dentist right now. So today I bought one over the counter to try. Will let you know how it goes.


But if I can't use it I am going to have to come up with the money for a new one from the dentist. I tried not wearing mine at night a few nights and all my issues got so much worse. I have TMJ too but I think I have worn down something as it does not bother me as much at 46. But sometimes my jaw will almost like lock up. And I gets pops not only in my neck and upper back every day from my FMS but my jaws often pops! My right side is much worse then the left! Not sure why.


But you would want to see your dentist if you decided to try one other the counter to make sure what is going on and to make sure that is ok. I go back to my dentist next month and will let you know what he says about me. I dread dentist appointments! But my dentist has been so nice and kind to me I have to say.





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This Teeth sensitivity is so very common around the withdrawal board. Go to the community forum and search "sore teeth, tooth sensitivity". almost everyone mentions it at one time or another on their personal buddy blogs.


I had this. I did not grind my teeth, they just ached. I thought it might be some sinus issues as I have had achy back teeth before, but this was every tooth all around my mouth. Achy, like sore like the muscles in my body would feel. I tolerate the pain for a little while but I ended up giving in and taking Advil, (ibuprofin, otc, pain med 400 mg). It didn't last long for me but it came and went along with every other odd symptom we endure.


Here are a few older threads on this very subject. So to answer you question if others have this teeth sensitivity. A resounding yes....and luckily from what I read, and have experienced, it goes away and is not a permanent problem. Keeping up with checkups and professional cleaning is a good idea to keep the ?'s at bay, and teeth in good health.


Smile~it goes away ;D















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This is a major issue for me. I have had it for about a year now. It began during a Valium taper. I thought that when i reinstated Xanax in April it would fade away. Not so.


It is not due to grinding at night in my case because it is only the four bottom incisors that hurt along with my tongue and sometimes lips. My psych has said it might still be sensitivity in the nerves and lately said that he has never heard of anyone having this before.


The Xanax only fixes it for a short time or not at all. It comes on with no anxiety whatsoever.


It might seem like a mild symptom but is getting tedious after all this time. I am worried it will never go away. Am visiting a dentist soon but don't hold out much hope of a solution.


Any other non-grinders suffering this?


PS I just saw the new answer above pop in while I was writing this, so will read there!

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  • 1 month later...
Also the innervation to the teeth and jaws is the TRIGEMINAL NERVE...one of the cranial nerves which has a mandibular branch and two maxillary Divisions...Anterior and Posterior Maxillary Nerves. In the hyper excitable state of w/d it feels like the teeth are numb or like local anesthesia is wearing off.  This along with above reply lets you know that tooth sensivity can be part of benzo withdrawal.


I have unusually sensitive gums. I have this one place that is so bad that whenever I brush it I get shooting, electric pains in that side of my jaw that make my eyes water. Afterwards, that side of my jaws feels numb, sort of like it was anesthetized. As a result, I have difficulty opening that side of my jaw from anywhere from an hour to a day. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Be carefull about dental treatment. Years ago another dentist messed up my teeth and another dentist has done his best to help. Long story, so won't get in to it.


I just found out the awful pain I kept having on the right side of my mouth, jaw,  head and then the tooth, is an extra root in a lower molar tooth. It had 4 roots and they say this is unusual. Well they went in the crown and filled it. So it had been like live for a while, couple years! I am used to pain in many forms. See they just recently saw it on xray. You can't always see everything on xrays ! I went regular to the dentist.


Don't know if my teeth shifted or what? Just glad they saw it on xray. And knew what is going on!


I could not get completely numb. They even numbed it through the bone! It hurt like heck, started to get better, got worse again. I had to go back again, on antibiotics that are helping. But I could still lose it and I don't care. So much pain and misery! Have to wait and see how it does.


I have suffered so much from many things. I got some root canals and crowns years ago and wish I had not. I have had the worst luck with my teeth. I can't afford any more. I have had 3 root canal teeth removed in the past. Dry socket too, pain!


I don't care if I end up with back partials at this point. After years of dental work, you get tired. I used to have to go like several times a month! I so don't need this now!


Never getting another root canal. They say for some reason I do not do well at all with them.


Down to 115 lbs from all this stuff! But I will get better! Not giving up!


Take care.



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