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tapering off klonopin


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i have to amke it thru this,,,,how long should i stay on the xanx and so i can start tapering the klonpin


I was so happy when I read this, sweetpea.  :yippee:  You will make it through this. In fact I predict some day you will be encouraging other people who are feeling bad because you know what it's like.


I believe eljay recommended you holding the xanax at 1/2mg 4-5 days and then reducing another 1/4 for 4-5 days and then stopping the xanax all together. I'm sure she will correct me if I'm wrong. Then you will start asking how much to taper the klonopin and we will be right there to help you through that as well.




Beeper, you are correct, that is what I said. The problem is, the longer you take to get off the xanax, the more conditioned you body is becoming to the totall amount of benzo you are on. A while back, you could have gone straight off it when you first upped the klon. But as time passes, this needs to be reevaluated. Do you understand what I am talking about? I hope it makes sense.

I think you are still ok to do this, but I can't say for sure. It's been several weeks now.

I also am not sure what you are on now. are you on 3/4's of a xanax pill? YOu say you haven't made much of a cut from 1mg to 3/4's. This sounds like you haven't cut.

I don't know how to advise you at this point. You need to have been on 3/4's every day for at least several days before you cut to 1/2. Have you been? 

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yes i have been on 3/4 a xanax for several days now.....so far today i have only taking a 1/2....also how does hyperventalation make u feel? I wonder if im dong that and thats whats going on with my lips and cheeks i dont know about my neck troat and tounge though
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yes i have been on 3/4 a xanax for several days now.....so far today i have only taking a 1/2....also how does hyperventalation make u feel? I wonder if im dong that and thats whats going on with my lips and cheeks i dont know about my neck troat and tounge though


It gives you pins and needles in your lips, face, hands and sometimes feet. It will make you feel light headed, like you might faint.

The way to prevent hyperventilation is to take slow, deep breaths to the bottom of your lungs. count to 4 slowly on the inbreath, then again on the out breath, then relax for 4 breaths. Repeat this a few times. This will not only help with hyperventilation, but will calm your anxiety and panic. It shuts off the brain chemicals that are making you feel so bad. Give it a try.   

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For some reason i have trouble doing any kind of breathing that will help me i treid as u said i thought i was doing it right and i got a headache and dizzy.....wonder if there is somewhere online i could learn....im hoping to discuss this with my counsler..thanks
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Sweetpea, my mother went through a period in her life when she hyperventilated often.  It did bring on a lot of the symptoms you are having, including dizziness.  She couldn't do the deep breathing either but one thing that worked for her was breathing into a paper bag until she felt better.  Usually took 5-10minutes. It increases the carbon dioxide in your blood which apparently is a good thing when you are overbreathing/hyperventilating. 


I also found this also on a medilineplus website about hyperventilation:


"If you have hyperventilation syndrome -- that is, if you regularly hyperventilate -- you might not be aware of it. But you will be aware of having many of the associated symptoms, including dizziness or lightheadedness, shortness of breath, belching, bloating, dry mouth, weakness, confusion, sleep disturbances, numbness and tingling in your arms or around your mouth, muscle spasms in hands and feet, chest pain, and palpitations.


You, your friends, and family can learn techniques to stop you from hyperventilating when it happens and to prevent future attacks.


If you start hyperventilating, the goal is to raise the carbon dioxide level in your blood, which will put an end to most of your symptoms. There are several ways to do this:


Reassurance from a friend or family member can help relax your breathing. Words like "you are doing fine," "you are not having a heart attack," and "you are not going to die" are very helpful. It is extremely important that the person helping you remain calm and deliver these messages with a soft, relaxed tone.


To increase your carbon dioxide, you need to take in less oxygen. To accomplish this, you can breathe through pursed lips (as if you are blowing out a candle) or you can cover your mouth and one nostril, breathing through the other nostril. "


So these are a few more techniques you can try.  Go slow and be patient. 

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SP you have impropved today!!! :yippee: :yippee:  You are listening and you are researching what might be going on.  It sounds like you are calming a bit!  I know you have a ways to go but you took baby steps today and I know tomorrow will be bigger steps and you will gain control over this.  I am happy for you even if you don't feel like you have progressed I just want you to know that you have!!  Hang tough!  You can do this!! 



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oh everyone this morning im feelinfg AWFUL,mu chest is burning pain behind the ear and im shaking,swizure do u thin,and as soon as i took my pill all those other symtoms came on ,my hubby is home to day and i need to feel like something i swear my neck is swelling i wanted to try to cut back on my klonopin but i know u all said get off the xanx first i feel so faint and my heartrate iss up...thanks for all the info
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The only thing we can tell you is what's already been said. You need to get off of xanax and start your taper of klono. You must calm yourself when taking your medication. Your working yourself up into a panic because your so scared. Please please try to take some deep breaths before taking your medication and right after. This will help you some. Try not to think about possibly being allergic to it, your NOT. These are common anxiety symptoms your experiencing.

Has your husband seen your neck swelling? Ask him, I beat it's just a feeling your having and not actually happening. I used to think that with my hands when they would get tingly.



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Guess what this is kinda well very embarissing but i kinda noticed it yesterday morinign,,,but its worse thsi mornign,,,i have a rash with a bump right in the top of the crack off my butt..........do u think its from my meds,,,,,,,,,,,,im so stressed and being very dizzzy.....hubby looked at it anmd said it looks like a rash but he wont believe im allgeric to my meds and i cant tell him how bad i am
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SP it very well could be from your meds.  They cause us to sweat and in turn that can cause rashes and I have had lots of bumps that are clogged pores from all the sweating and again it is a side effect from the drugs.  Even hemrroids are a side effect.  It is amazing how these drugs can affect our bodies.  Don't regress and think you are allergic everyone has told you that you are not so accept that.  You might be feeling like crap today because you cut your dose of xanax yesterday.  That is good that you made the cut but remember you may feel like crap for a couple of days.  You should stabalize in a few days and after 7 days you should be able to cut again.  Keep your mind strong and stay in control of the meds!!


Good luck



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Now im worried im hypersenstive to my meds not much i can do but im all dreid out and now this rash and my skin feels like its burnong,im so afraid to keep taking the pills but if i sont i know i will have  a seizure  my dr and the er are no help for me so i will keep going on,,why is myu thinnking so unclear...dont even feel like smokong
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I'm sorry your not feeling well SP. This will get better. I promise. You just have to hang in there. Some people are hypersensitive to medications but since cting isnt an option you have to keep going. Plus I do believe you will get used to it. A big part of this is what I said before. Your forcing yourself into a panic because your so scared. You must try to calm yourself about this. I KNOW it's very hard but you can do it.


I wish I could do more for you, but we're always here if you need us.


Try to hang in there the best you can



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oh someone told mr that if you do become hypersenstive or allergic to your meds thay quit doing what they are suppose to,,,so if thats true and im am sensitive or slightly allergic i could go into a siezure huh,im so dizzy and i am so scared and this girl od last night and my husband and i were there...she waas in a bathroom and my hussband is a ENT and he helped and he touched her and come to find out she has hepatisysis c,,,he has had shocks but i havent and he touched me after touching her could i get hepatistsis c? seeems like i cant get this worrya nd fear under control,,and if it turns out im allergic to my klonopina n xaxax what could be done for me....i have no clue and im driving myself crazy every time i take a pill i freak
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Sweety you have such negative thinking. You need to calm that. It makes EVERYTHING much worse then it is.

I doubt you have hep C. Your not going to go into a seizure, you meds are working.

Your just freaking yourself out. It is my deep belief that you are having such a hard time because you are making yourself so scared that you panic. I cannot stress it enough, you must try to calm down. You are NOT allergic to xanax or klono. You are having panic/anxiety and wd symptoms. That's ALL this is.

Please please please take some deep breaths, take a bath, drink some chamo tea, take a walk. Anything to get your mind occupied or anything to relax.



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...im driving myself crazy every time i take a pill i freak


Yes, sweetpea, you are making yourself sick.  There were several posts over the last 2 days with advice about relaxing but you don't seem to be reading them or trying to do anything to change your thinking.  If you don't change, I don't know how you expect to get well.  There is no magic pill or treatment for what is going on with you. You have to do it. No one can do it for you. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but I don't have any new advice or information to give you.


Take care.

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i will keep taking my meds and i pray im not allergic..we r going down town soon to shoot pool well my hubby is i will watch and pray this rash goes away and not get worse and i will pray i dont faint as i feel like im going to
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i will keep taking my meds and i pray im not allergic..we r going down town soon to shoot pool well my hubby is i will watch and pray this rash goes away and not get worse and i will pray i dont faint as i feel like im going to


It will do you good to get out.  ;)

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oh someone told mr that if you do become hypersenstive or allergic to your meds thay quit doing what they are suppose to


First of all, this statement is not true. Second, you are not allergic to your meds. You just need to keep tapering. ARe you on 1/2mg xanax now?

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we r going down town soon to shoot pool well my hubby is i will watch


Distraction is one of the best things for wd.  Getting out and getting your mind off your symptoms and worries is as good as any pill you could take. ;)

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yes 1/2 xanx but if im not allergic to my meds why all ofa sudden this rash in the embarrising spot with a big blister in side the rash,and the numb lips myh neck and throat feel like they are swelling and my cheeks  im so scared and so much confused thoughts and tghe worsse ddizziness and my chest burns and trouble breathing....i dont understand and i believe all what u say but i know how my body is feeling,,im so scared
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Not everything is related to the benzos.  I've never heard of them causing a rash or blisters.  If it really bothers you, maybe you should have it checked out.


You need to re-read paxton's message:




She is absolutely right. The other things you mentioned - numbness, feeling of throat swelling, dizziness etc. could all be from you hyperventilating.  Did you try any of the techniques I posted to you last night?  Here's the link back to it:




How did things go at the pool hall?  Bet you didn't faint.  ;)  Do you just watch your husband play pool or is there something there that you enjoy doing? It's been years since I played pool and I was never very good at it.

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i was kinda ok at the pool hall other then being very dizzy,My rash is worse..the drs have told me that a  rash is a sign of being allergic of course when i went to the dr i didnt have the rash ,im still getting the numb lips the thickingg of the neck and all that,yes i read about the hyperventalating and it makes sense to me untill i got this rash and im ttying to be good im soa fraid if i keep taking my meds i will die because im having trouble brathing but i know i cant top the klonopin cold turkey....i dont even feel like eating or smoking and im not sleeping..thank u for all your support please dont give up on me
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