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benzodiazepine = fluoride poisoning??


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After much research to find the chemicals in benzos I didn't find much info from the pharma co's or the inserts in bottles of benzos. However after a google search of "fluoride in antidepressants" it seems that almost all ssri's and benzos  have fluoride in them.(Prozac 16%) Fluoride is a chemical in water and toothpaste but In larger quantities it is neurotoxic and is found in most RAT POISONS. Sodium fluoride was first used by the Russians in the gulags and the Nazis to make the prisoners compliant and easier to manage. How do we actually know how much fluoride is in a pill??? I also did a search for fibromyalgia and am totally blown away by what i saw. www.earthclinic.com ( ailments- fibromyalgia) This is not for the faint of heart. It may also explain why it takes so long to recover from post acute withdrawal syndrome. rstud
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You're welcome Billy,


I feel like I'm discovering the Ashton Manual all over again.  


Can this be true??


Totally wowed


I don't know. I have been reading on it a little at a time.



What do you think?

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Billy,  too much to wrap my head around right now.  not to mention I'm in a mild panic.  but also glad to know there might be a solution to some of my long term symptoms.  I found out that the anti-depressant I'm on has fluoride in it.  :o


There appears to be hard scientific data stating that fluoride is not beneficial if ingested, only topically applied to teeth.  Otherwise it is toxic.



There was a bb thread in August: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=36216.30


Here are some of the links from the discussion there:













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Billy,   too much to wrap my head around right now.  not to mention I'm in a mild panic.  but also glad to know there might be a solution to some of my long term symptoms.  I found out that the anti-depressant I'm on has fluoride in it.   :o


There appears to be hard scientific data stating that fluoride is not beneficial if ingested, only topically applied to teeth.  Otherwise it is toxic.



There was a bb thread in August: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=36216.30


Here are some of the links from the discussion there:














Thanks I will take a look at it.


I wonder how much a Benzo has in it?



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billy, that's a question I've been trying to find out myself. I read on a google search prozac is 16%. The bottom line fluoride has a cumulative effect and builds in the bones. It's a nuerotoxin that destroys the nervous system as a systemic poison. If a rat goes to the decon every day and eats a little or a few times and eats a lot its the same result. The symptoms are all the same chronic fatigue,numbness, headache,etc. The human body maybe able to handle small amounts for awhile but at some point it's going to catch up to you. I'd really like to know if the human body can repair the damage once it crosses the threshold of addiction or tolerance,rstud
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billy, that's a question I've been trying to find out myself. I read on a google search prozac is 16%. The bottom line fluoride has a cumulative effect and builds in the bones. It's a nuerotoxin that destroys the nervous system as a systemic poison. If a rat goes to the decon every day and eats a little or a few times and eats a lot its the same result. The symptoms are all the same chronic fatigue,numbness, headache,etc. The human body maybe able to handle small amounts for awhile but at some point it's going to catch up to you. I'd really like to know if the human body can repair the damage once it crosses the threshold of addiction or tolerance,rstud


I'm certainly glad we are getting off the benzos and those who have in that case, r.

I have taken Prozac once or twice and my body could not handle it. It gave me electrical surges.



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billy, that's a question I've been trying to find out myself. I read on a google search prozac is 16%. The bottom line fluoride has a cumulative effect and builds in the bones. It's a nuerotoxin that destroys the nervous system as a systemic poison. If a rat goes to the decon every day and eats a little or a few times and eats a lot its the same result. The symptoms are all the same chronic fatigue,numbness, headache,etc. The human body maybe able to handle small amounts for awhile but at some point it's going to catch up to you. I'd really like to know if the human body can repair the damage once it crosses the threshold of addiction or tolerance,rstud


I'm certainly glad we are getting off the benzos and those who have in that case, r.

I have taken Prozac once or twice and my body could not handle it. It gave me electrical surges.



Rstud I've read a lot of your posts. Check this out, and thanks for posting on the fluoride. If my links get deactivated copy and paste them in your browser.


After this I've wanted to know what are in some of these drugs.


They're chemicals, Dow Chemicals a Plant contracted to make drugs isn't it?


So as you've shared we have fluoride in certain things. Ouch. We have "a chemical that was going to be used to make wood dye" in benzos. That's in the benzo book by Jack Dobson.


We also have this chemical and this is directly from the Dow chemical site. In this link, go down to "Pharmeceuticals" to the second line and it lists anti-histamines, ant-depressants, muscle relaxers to name a few. Antibiotics. (Makes me think of the dangerous floroquinolones.)


It shows MIPA is in the above drugs. MIPA is a chemical otherwise known as monoisoprapanolimine.



More specifically it is shown again here scroll down to pharmeceuticals that Dow Chemical makes.



Look at the side effects of monoisoprapanolimine and this is put in our drugs listed above.



Monoisoprapanolimine is said to be a derivative and drug intermediate. Here's the definition of a drug intermediate.



It's no wonder with all of these three components as well as others, being in one drug or product or another people get neurotoxic injury. I don't care how "buffered" these chemicals in the drugs etc are.


Yeah Billy, same thing happened to me with an AD they gave me not recognizing tolerance. I'm done with all of this now.


Just food for thought.



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Thanks for bringing this topic up rstud, so much more to learn!


Your concern: "The bottom line fluoride has a cumulative effect and builds in the bones... I'd really like to know if the human body can repair the damage"


In looking through this material, I did find a detox for fluoride (try the http://www.naturalnews.com/fluoride.html site).  I passed it by for now as I am still tapering, and ingesting fluoride daily.


Hundreds were given the anti-biotic Cipro for 2 months (instead of 7 - 10 days) during the Anthrax scare and were consequently diagnosed as irreversibly damaged..  I believe that the Yahoo group in the links I posted has this level of suffering among them. (personally I've got to focus on repair, even though there may be helpful information in the group, I don't want to wade through more suffering.)  :( 


I'll attempt to lift all fluoride sources in addition to tapering all meds.

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This is a very interesting thread, keep it going. If I find anything I will post it.

I'm beginning to wonder, "Why didn't we just take acid, is it safer?"


These drugs are boggling to say the least!





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Here are 2 detoxing pages:





A lot of the talk is about how to remove fluoride from tap water, reverse osmosis is popular.


To remove it from the body, borax is used, "food grade sodium tetraborate (borax) has been shown in clinical trials to induce chelation of fluoride compounds from the body via the urine."



Obviously some of the suggestions cannot be done by benzo taperers or those in protracted withdrawal. But worth looking into anyway IMHO.  



The Earth Clinic article cautions, [before applying any detox]:

*** Please make sure to read Jason A. Uttley's two (2) articles on Fluoride Poisoning***






Here is most of the article from Natural news:

"Avoiding Fluoride Contamination


As always, the first step in detoxifying is to curb taking in toxins. Purifying water by reverse osmosis or distillation in fluoridated water communities is a good start to slowing down your fluoride contamination. Distillation comes with a bit of controversy, as all the minerals are removed. A great mineral supplement such as Fulvic Acid (not folic acid) or unsulfured blackstrap molasses is recommended if you distill your water.


Avoiding sprayed, commercially grown foods while consuming organic or locally grown foods is another big step. Watch out for processed foods such as instant tea, grape juice products, and soy milk for babies. They all contain high concentrations of sodium fluoride. So do many pharmaceutical "medicines". By minimizing your sodium fluoride intake, your body can begin eliminating the fluorides in your system slowly.


Magnesium is a very important mineral that many are lacking. Besides being so important in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients within your cells, it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells! Along with magnesium, calcium seems to help attract the fluorides away from your bones and teeth, allowing your body to eliminate those toxins. So during any detox efforts with fluoride, it is essential that you include a healthy supplemental dose of absorbable calcium/magnesium as part of the protocol.


So Now Let's Speed Up the Fluoride Detox


This author received a comment stating that an earlier article's source reference to sunlight for decalcifying the pineal gland was inaccurate. He said that darkness, not light, is needed to stimulate the pineal gland into melatonin production, which should lead to breaking up the calcification of that gland. Besides being logical, further source research indicates the critic is correct!


Day time exercise, a healthful diet, not over eating, and meditation all contribute to higher melatonin production from the pineal gland. Though very helpful to many for getting a full night's deep sleep, it appears inconclusive whether melatonin supplements will help decalcify the pineal gland. But it does seem logical that it might.


Iodine supplementation has been clinically demonstrated to increase the urine irrigation of sodium fluoride from the body as calcium fluoride. The calcium is robbed from your body, so make sure you are taking effective calcium and magnesium supplements. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine for excreting fluorides.


Iodine is another nutrient lacking in most diets and causing hypothyroid symptoms of lethargy or metabolic imbalances. Eating lots of seafood for iodine has it's constantly rising mercury hazards. Seaweed foods and iodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are highly recommended over sea food by most.


Tamarind, originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and southeast Asia, has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine. The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tree can be converted to teas and strong tinctures, which have also shown the ability to eliminate fluorides through the urine.


Liver Cleanses are considered effective for eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two types of liver cleansing, both of which can be performed easily at home over a week or two of time. One of the protocols focuses on the liver itself , and the other cleanses the gall bladder, which is directly connected with liver functions. Simple instructions for both can be found on line with search engine inquiries.


Boron was studied in other parts of the world with pronounced success for fluoride detoxification. Borox, which contains boron, has a history of anecdotal success for detoxifying sodium fluoride. Yes, this is the borox you can find in the laundry aisles of some supermarkets. It needs to be taken in with pure water in small quantities.


As little as 1/32 of a teaspoon to 1/4 of a teaspoon in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day is what has been demonstrated as safe and effective. Around 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of pure sea salt in a liter consumed in small quantities daily has been reported to have dramatic results. There is the possibility of a food grade version with sodium borate, if you can find it.


Dry Saunas combined with exercise releases sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues. It can be intense enough to cause side effects or an occasional healing crisis. So keep the pure water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys while using a highly absorbable cal/mag supplement. Lecithin is another useful adjunct to this protocol for fluoride detoxification.


Those Adjuncts to the Listed Remedies


Vitamin C in abundance was not mentioned as a helpful adjunct. It is now. But do not use ascorbic acid as your vitamin C source for an adjunct to any of the fluoride detox methods. Do take in as much other types of vitamin C as you can tolerate, along with a couple of tablespoons of lecithin daily. Add those to your absorbable calcium and magnesium supplements with plenty of pure water, get good sleep and rest, and the detox should be relatively smooth.


Chelation therapies are recommended primarily for heavy metal removals. Though fluorides are salts, the synthetic waste product variety, sodium fluoride, comes with a cargo of toxic heavy metals. And these pernicious salts have a way of combining more heavy metals. So including any one of several chelation therapies may be beneficial for overall health improvements while applying your chosen fluoride remedy or remedies.


Those include bentonite clay internally or externally, fulvic acid (NOT folic acid), cilantro pesto with chlorella, and even DMSA or any other chellation therapy with which you are familiar.


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/026605_fluoride_fluorides_detox.html#ixzz1dhaiEb00

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hb&m & billy, thanks for the info. I'm not trying to scare anyone making a post like this just trying to learn the truth wherever i can find it. It all seems like a cover up because info is so difficult to obtain. I ask hard questions like "has the chemical make up changed over the years" and" how much fluoride is in these pills"? Who really knows except the chemical companies that produce them for the pharmaceutical co's to make huge profits. I don't expect to ever really know the truth so maybe I'm beating a dead horse here. What I do know is after taking these pills i was prescribed I'm still sick as a dog after 90 days free. I see  more and more people suffering months even years after coming off this rat poison. I even researched benzos before i took them and could find nothing to indicate w/d's would be so horrific. I was flat led to by my doctor when i asked about s/x and coming off of them. The article on fibromyalgia is really making me wonder, are people diagnosed with fibro really going through fluoride w/d? If they don't know its benzo w/d and a doctor prescribes more drugs in the mix then it's just a vicious circle of suffering. I would like to think there is something to help rid the body of chemicals but i just don't know yet. rstud
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There was a guy once that told me that Valium was a derivative of Heroin / or had heroin in it. Now, how much of this is true. I have no idea.

I, too wonder about these mind blowing little pills and what exactly is in them. It is interesting to say the least.



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Hi rstud,

It's true that I'm scared now, but not defeated.  I'm motivated to do things that are within my capability.  After that, I just have to learn to let it be.


In the meantime, bring on the dulse, distilled water and cilantro pesto (I have a recipe if you want :) ).






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Thanks to all of you for the very helpful in site into this. I will read more on the borax and iodine detox. I just want to try to find a way to clean my system of this poison.


I read into one of the links vancouvergirl posted and there must be a thousand articles there. many of them just posted in the last few months. The one about reconcile has really pissed me off though!!! How low can these people go as to make pets addicted to fluoride laden prozac. WTF !!! An animal is totally dependent on his owner to protect and feed them. The problem is many owners will assume the drugs are safe for their pets and give it to them without question. How does an animal say "I don't like the way this makes me feel?" So now there is a $50 billion market to poison our animals. It's really sad that the health of innocent children and animals takes a back seat to the all mighty dollar. rstud

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I hear you on the animal abuse. 

How can anyone know that an dog is depressed?

truly maddening


If you find helpful articles on these sites, please pass along, I'll do the same.


I'm still wondering if benzo's have fluoride, or our symptoms are just very similar...

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Hundreds were given the anti-biotic Cipro for 2 months (instead of 7 - 10 days) during the Anthrax scare and were consequently diagnosed as irreversibly damaged..  I believe that the Yahoo group in the links I posted has this level of suffering among them.

Hi guys, not to go off base I just wanted to quickly comment on this.


If you notice in my post hbm, I posted that the chemical MIPA is in the antibiotics made at Dow chemical. I commented in that post (makes me think of dangerous fluoroquinolones). I wonder "what chemical combo is in them that is hurting people to such a degree?"  IF Dow specifically makes fluoroquinolones since they list antibiotics, Fluoride and MIPA plus what? Cipro you've listed above, IS a fluoroquinolone anti-biotic if you or anyone else didn't know. Levaquin is. There are so many different names of this family of antibiotics that do indeed damage many as you've pointed out and they have been for years.


Fluoroquinolones = Fluoride is a derivative in it hence the name? (I'm reaching here but this is how my mind works lol.


We have a member Stoneyco who was compromised by Levaquin while in xanax withdrawal and she believes that hindered her healing. That anti-biotic is on her sig. Ashton says "no fluoroquinolones" in benzowithdrawal as it targets cns among many many other things like tendon rupture etc.


It's amazing when people start to gather information and look beyond, how things start to add up and make sense doing just a bit of research.


I have filed all of your fluoride info sleuth rstud. What did you find in my link? What is reconcile that you mentioned?

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Hundreds were given the anti-biotic Cipro for 2 months (instead of 7 - 10 days) during the Anthrax scare and were consequently diagnosed as irreversibly damaged..  I believe that the Yahoo group in the links I posted has this level of suffering among them.

Hi guys, not to go off base I just wanted to quickly comment on this.


If you notice in my post hbm, I posted that the chemical MIPA is in the antibiotics made at Dow chemical. I commented in that post (makes me think of dangerous fluoroquinolones). I wonder "what chemical combo is in them that is hurting people to such a degree?"  IF Dow specifically makes fluoroquinolones since they list antibiotics, Fluoride and MIPA plus what? Cipro you've listed above, IS a fluoroquinolone anti-biotic if you or anyone else didn't know. Levaquin is. There are so many different names of this family of antibiotics that do indeed damage many as you've pointed out and they have been for years.


Fluoroquinolones = Fluoride is a derivative in it hence the name? (I'm reaching here but this is how my mind works lol.


We have a member Stoneyco who was compromised by Levaquin while in xanax withdrawal and she believes that hindered her healing. That anti-biotic is on her sig. Ashton says "no fluoroquinolones" in benzowithdrawal as it targets cns among many many other things like tendon rupture etc.


It's amazing when people start to gather information and look beyond, how things start to add up and make sense doing just a bit of research.


I have filed all of your fluoride info sleuth rstud. What did you find in my link? What is reconcile that you mentioned?


VCG, thanks so much for your helpful posts. Maybe I'm beating a dead horse with this but my way of thinking is if I know what is in a benzo just maybe there is something to help cleanse the toxins from the body. I'm not that good on a computer so thanks again for the search engine. I looked down the list and saw an article on reconcile. It is the newest line of drugs  for dogs. It is basically "doggie prozac" which really sucks. A poor animal doesn't have a choice to not take an anti-anxiety medication and millions of dog owners will probably give their pets the reconcile thinking they are safe. It has the potential to make animals very aggressive not to mention they are  very sensitive and could cause much pain and suffering to them. Always follow the money,rstud

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I hear you on the animal abuse. 

How can anyone know that an dog is depressed?

truly maddening


If you find helpful articles on these sites, please pass along, I'll do the same.


I'm still wondering if benzo's have fluoride, or our symptoms are just very similar...


HB&M,  maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction after researching the fluoride in antidepressants and antibiotics. I can't seem to find exactly whats in benzodiazepines that causes the cns to go haywire or am I a chemist. The fact is this is some kind of poison to make so many people suffer so much. There seems to be some connection with fibromyalgia and the 200,000 veterans of the gulf war. Whether it's the same chemicals is yet to be known. In the documents I found the veterans returning from Iraq were sick as were others that were never deployed. This leads me to believe it was something in vaccines they were all given. Also seems like the veterans were also scoffed at as are benzo sufferers about their illness. Also the anthrax cases after 9/11 were given 2 months of cipro. Many of them have crippling illness from the drug that contains fluoride. i don't want to open a can of worms with this I just want to know the truth. rstud

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