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crossover advice


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Hi, After using benzos for most of my adult life (25 years), I'm currently following the Ashton  Schedule 5. Withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin) 1.5mg daily with substitution of diazepam (Valium). (0.5mg clonazepam is approximately equivalent to 10mg diazepam


I'm presently in Stage 8 of my tapering schedule (see the link above for the details).

Since switching to a 100% diazepam tapering schedule, my mental symptom have all worsened  including anxiety, constant worrying, antisocial behavior, brain fog, confusion, dizziness, etc.  My physical symptoms are minimum.

Have any of the buddies had a similar experiences when switching for K to D? Did your mental symptoms reduce over time? I wonder if my brain is adjusting to the V after being on the K for so many years. Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.







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