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effect of withdrawal on menstruation


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Hi there, this is a topic only women can relate to. I noticed that my cycle changed drastically during withdrawal. In the beginning I had painful ovulations, I then had a very strong and long period and now it is barely there, much lighter and very short. Has anyone had that happen? My last taper was four months ago. Almost all my symptoms resolved. I once again will get checked by a doctor, who normally has no answers for me ao I would be very relieved to hear this can be a withdrawal symptom also and it will eventually go back to normal. I am so sick of running to doctors.... I am sitting here crying, because I am just so done with all this

Thank you so much in advance.

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I'm in perimenopause so my cycle is all out of whack anyway but it definitely seems to make everything a bit worse. Especially my pms symptoms and how I handle things.
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