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Hello there,


After today (last 2.5mg diazepam dose) I will be fully rapid-tapered off a 2 month alprazolam (3-9mg/day with other non-bzp drugs/alcohol use) habit that ultimately landed me in hospital, possible criminal charges and around heroin addicts who robbed me of a full months wages. I was a functional addict but I have a slight suspicion that this was the reason it almost killed me. After I was robbed and got into trouble with the police because of me being robbed, I decided to quit cold turkey and 48 hours later got my first seizure. I'm currently 9 days off of alprazolam with low dose diazepam as my taper (first dose was 56 hours into my cold turkey withdrawal after my second seizure).


I just want to be part of a community that can provide me with helpful information while withdrawing. These drugs almost ended my life at 19 and even though I was quite educated on the mechanism of action and possible dependence on the drugs I still fell into the trap of daily use and physical addiction. I would also like to become an active member of the community to help me from using these drugs in the future. :)



- P

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Hello CNSdemessed,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!


You have been through a lot in your very young life.  The good thing is that now you've realized that this is not the path you want to be on and will take steps to insure a healthy future by avoiding benzos and other drugs that can disrupt your life.


Seizures are a risk when going cold turkey and you were taking large doses of alprazolam.  I hope you are under a doctors care to ensure that this won't happen again.  A 9 days taper is very short, was this recommended by a doctor?  Normally we recommend a slow taper. Being on benzos for 2 months is enough time for a physical dependency to develop and removing the drug too quickly can bring on some strong withdrawal effects. Usually a reduction of 5-10% every 10-14 days is suggested.


You can be a part of this community and receive a lot of encouragement as you become benzo free and healed. 


You mentioned you are looking for information, one of the best resources is the Ashton Manual.  It was written by an expert in the field and talks about withdrawal and what to expect during the withdrawal process. I'll put a link for you.


Please do ask questions, our members will be happy to offer their experience and advice. 


You have a good long life ahead of you, while this withdrawal may be challenging, it is only temporary and time will help the central nervous system recover.


The Ashton Manual





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Thanks :)


I was some time into cold turkey w/d before given diazepam in the hospital. 20mg day 1, 10mg days 2-3, 5mg days 4-5, 2.5mg days 6-9.


I think their concern is not my comfort but instead getting me off the pills as soon as possible. Which I don't really mind as long as I'm not at risk of seizure when I'm drugfree tomorrow onwards? The palpitaions/sweats/tremors/stomach pains/headaches/heavy breathing I can cope with it's the insomnia I really do not like. How long do these symptoms generally last?


Since I was on the drug for only a couple of months should I be okay as far as post-acute w/d symptoms go? That's what really worries me.

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I wish I could give you an answer as to how long withdrawal symptoms last but it varies per individual. We are all so different genetically and how we process medications.  You did take some high amounts of benzos and it will take a while for your nervous system to settle down.  One thing is certain, it will. 


Insomnia is tough and a common withdrawal symptom. I'll give you a link to the Insomnia board where you can read what member have done to help with this and you can also post questions of your own. 


What you went through was basically a detox, and it can be a shock to the body.  This is not the recommended method for withdrawing from benzos.  However, people have been through it and recovered and you will be OK.





pianogirl  :)

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I appreciate your honesty about your use (and abuse). And pianogirl is right, there are no predictions on withdrawal because everyone is just so different. You probably know that most people get off these drugs without ANY trouble. But a few of us do, and that is why this forum exists.

Insomnia has been my longest lasting symptom....but be aware that I took benzos for 30 years, plus went cold turkey. Some people think that this combination will lead to a longer and worse withdrawal. For insomnia, I tried every over the counter sleep remedy there is - nothing helped. I even went back to drinking alcohol - and that didn't help. Then I tried two prescription meds - they didn't work. What HAS helped is pure and simple time...time for my brain to heal. Going without much sleep wont kill you but it sure will make you miserable!

Good luck in your journey, and let us know how we can further help you.



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