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Sitting here, i realize I wouldn't feel that bad if it were not for the constant introspection.  Thinking about how I'm Feeling.... 


Advice. :o

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Introspection is a HUGE factor for me.  I am alone almost 24/7 and get way too caught up inside of myself.  Then I feel worse and worse.  If I can get out of my own head and go from "within myself" to "outside of myself" then the symptoms seem to disappear.  It took me a long time to even be aware of this and to figure out how to change it but I catch myself now and apply a coping strategy, find an activity, or hopefully can get out of this house and go somewhere if my husband has time to take me and I am not feeling too agoraphobic. 


The difference is enormous when I am "outside of myself".  I forget about everything negative and the physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms just vanish.  It has become very important to me to have something to look forward to daily and weekly (I can't go further than that right now). 


I wish I could work.  Wow, I never thought I would hear myself say that again, lol.

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