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Withdrawal - When does this start?


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I'm wondering: Do the symptoms of withdrawal are the same symptoms of a fast taper?

Because I think: If the synptoms are the same ... Why not let the pill definitely? an extended taper it not prolongs the agony? I have many doubsts about this. I have read in this forum many ugly and similar to mine experiences by people who stopped taking the pill.


So what's the difference? Yesterday (anxiety crisis for a Job problem) I had to take 0.75. I was taking only 0.50 for about 12 days.


When a symptom such as "fear to stop breathing" comes out is it good to walk no matter the time? Walk and walk till you fall of sleep? if this can be done, then I could have avoided taking 0.25 extra?

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I think it's a bit of a balancing act, brendamar, and involves an individuals tolerance for discomfort to some extent.  I could probably have tapered off safely -ie, without a seizure- much faster than the six months I decided on but, according to Ashton, I would have risked a more long term healing period nd maybe protracted withdrawal.  At the other extreme would be hose who take years to taper off a moderate to low one; they risk developing tolerance withdrawal along he way.  I usually recommend that people trust their gut feeling about how quickly to as long as there is some tapering rather a cold turkey.


I don't know about the fear of stopping breathing and walking.  I always found walking helpful when I felt anxious or depressed but some have reported that exercise made their symptoms worse so I guess it depends on whether it works for you. :-*

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