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Developed hives/welts with klon just as It happened w/Xanax after 3months use


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Yesterday I noticed hives/welts in back & above buttock area. Took a Benadryl and it subsided. Last night woke up with huge welts same areas and arm. This had happened with Xanax after 3 months of use. That's when I went c/t first time. I have been on klon .25 for just 6 days. My Val taper was too fast and belive it as well as the next taper prescribed lib was causing heavy depression. Any suggestions on other benzos? Or continue on klon with Benadryl ? Maybe I have just built up a tolerance? I took a half dose this morning 0.125 and got a feeling of anxiety initially before some little calm. I hate to think the only option is to continue a fast taper. I text my psych detox dr which has implemented the initial lib taper switched me to the klon, but haven't heard from him yet. That was 5 hrs ago. Before you sign up the promise the world along with their cell #s but never answer.

Appreciate any suggestions !



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Have you considered that the Remeron could be causing the skin rash? I'm not sure how long you have been on it, however, rashes can be a side effect of it. Not common but possible. See attached link:




As far as benzo suggestions, personally I would taper from only Klonopin, Valium or lastly, Librium. I see that members taper from Ativan and Xanax also, though they are short acting and would be hard for me personally to taper from. You could also use Benadryl but I wouldn't suggest taking it daily as it may lose it's effectiveness.

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My initial instinctive feeling when someone says they ingested something and then broke out in a rash is that they are having a true allergic reaction to the substance ingested. Generally speaking any medication or substance that makes you immediately break out in a rash should be reported to your doctor asap. Especially when you find that Benadryl relieves the symptoms - this is strong evidence of allergy.  Hopefully you can find a drug to taper from that does not give you this type of reaction. It may be that you might need to use a different type of benzo and then quite possibly use an AD to deal with depression symptoms if they are too severe for you. It's quite possible that an alternative taper drug may be required in your particular case. I guess you will have to see what your doctor thinks might be best to do in this situation. 


Edit add on: It is also possible that your cns is now in a more sensitive state due to being in w/d and that something in your environment (like fabric softener) is something that you are suddenly reacting to at this time. It may not be the meds at all, but your clothes, soap, a food, etcetera. If so, this will improve over time. Better yet is to try and identify the possible source of skin irritation and avoid that food, substance or object for the next little while.


Sheesh...so many different possibilities!


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