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Revd up from Oranges everytime


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I seem to be doing pretty well and can tolerate almost all foods just fine buy for some reason if I eat am orange or have a glass of orange juice I'm much set back for a day or two. Anyone else expanded something like this? I don't think it's the sugar content since I can usually have sweets just fine...
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milan, I can't really say but I've read that citrus can cause problems for people either on benzos or w/d from them.  i have no idea abouthe validity of that statement.  I cut my orange juice w/ water and stay away from grapefruit altogether...  I say, it doesn't matter what the problem is... if its a problem... either dilute your juice or try switching to apple or something less acidic.  i do know that when I was in the real thralls of w/d, there were lots of things that I could not tolerate... most everything is much better lately.  Good luck.  Njoy
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I posted the other day how I have observed that many buddies can tolerate a food for months and suddenly, like overnight, they react to it. It happens all the time on here with a wide variety of foods. No rhyme or reason to this at all. So, no oranges for you for now I guess.


Reminds me of that old joke where the patient says to his physician, "Hey doc, when I hold my arm up like this [demonstrates] my shoulder hurts!"  So the doctor says, "Well then STOP holding your arm up like that."


Give it time, I'm sure this citrus sensitivity will eventually pass and you will be able to enjoy your juice again. In the meantime I suppose you will just have to abstain.


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Are you on any medications for which orange juice is contraindicated?


I have a large grapefruit tree and every January I harvest hundreds of fat, juicy grapefruit. Sadly, I end up giving it all to friends, family and the Food Bank, because I take generic Lipitor to lower my cholesterol and for some reason consuming grapefruits or grapefruit juice while taking Lipitor can cause serious side effects. So, until I get my cholesterol back in check, no grapefruit for me...


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  • 1 month later...

Hey Milan

I know your post is a while ago, now.

But I wanted you to know that I am deeply suspicious of orange juice. Have been for a while.


Had a glass last night and was awake most of the night. I don't know about whole oranges....haven't been on the lookout though til recently.

Like many, this sensitivity to chemicals and drugs is a recent theme for me to wonder about....

My juice has "reconstituted orange juice" in it and also "colour", so who knows.


Many folk are unaware that often, orange juice has small amounts of alcohol in it, depending

on whether it has zest in it( so they believe).


Anyway, you are not alone, it seems!,

Viking xx

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I thought this was just me. I can eat any other fruit or juice but if I eat more than three slices of an orange I get really bad. That's so weird.
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