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A question regarding cross over

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A question regarding cross over. As you can see I crossed over from Clonazepam .5 2x dailt to Valium 10mg 2x daily. I was very uneventful and smooth for me. I have been on Serax 15mg for sleeping and did not know until I went to an addictions specialist that it was a Banzo also. So, the addictions guy tells me to cross over from 15mg Serax to 5mg Valium and continue mt taper. He said it was a direct cross over just like overnight. I have had a really hard time the past few months and held at 5mg Valium. He says the Serax is fast acting and causes very irratic brain waves and may be the reason I hit tough times. Has anyone got any advise on whether or not I can cross over that quickly? I can't believe I thought I was within 5mg of the end of this nightmare and now instead of being 1/4 the way I am only 1/2.

Disgusted to say the least!


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It's pretty weak and short-acting. I was prescribed it once and didn't feel anything at all, but I could definitely feel Valium. You'll probably feel better on the Valium cross-over than you're feeling taking the short-acting Serax every night.
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