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Facial Dermatitis

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Hi all,


Since jumping off Lexapro Jan 2012, I have had problems with inflammation.




- I used a neti pot in Feb 2012 four times. This resulted in severe sinus and eye pain that continued for two months at peak level then waned.

- I got a tooth worked on in August 2012. This caused severe pain in that tooth and the ones around it, shockwaves when my teeth touched each other, and a tied tongue that made it difficult to talk. It was probably around December 2012 that I finally noticed improvement in this sx.


I did not really know it was inflammation until I saw it with my own two eyes. I got a manicure in Feb 2013 and the lady cut my cuticle by accident. I had a tiny little cut which she cleaned with antiseptic. The area swelled to the size of a pea. The swelling caused the cuticle to peel back from the nail bed  leaving an open gap I would have to clean out and dry daily. It was never infected (I had a friend who is a doctor look at it) and never any pus. Just this huge swelling. After 6 weeks, the area started to go back to normal. Based on this, I assume this is what was happening to me in the past.


The reason I am posting is that in March 2012, I used apple cider vinegar a few times on my face to help with acne. From that day to this, I have not had a day where my face has not burned, itched or tingled in some way. At first there was this low-grade burn. Then it turned into severe itching where it literally felt like I was allergic to my own sebum. I also had patches under my eyes that were red and most definitely itchy with huge pores I could see were due to swelling. These have since gone away.


All this time, my acne was also getting worse and so I tried using Differin on my face. This was probably my worst mistake. I'm not sure. A week into Differin, I developed a bumpy area of skin on my right temple. I should have stopped immediately but I did not. I used Differin for 5 months. The bumpy area did not go away but the itching and burning subsided and so I thought I was okay. The only other product I was using was Neutrogena sensitive skin foaming cleanser to wash.


In August 2012, I moved to a new state. Within two days, my skin went crazy. Worse than it ever had been before. It felt like an acid burn and it burned ALL DAY LONG. I had not changed ANY of the products. I also broke out severely. I didn't know if it was the water, the humidity, something environmental about this new area. I still do not know. This went on for a couple of weeks before it started to die down. However by September 2012 I looked in the mirror and saw a dent in my forehead right above my left eye where I did not remember having a pimple. My pimples also have a tendency to leave hyperpigmentation marks (tendency == every single one). There was no pigmentation, just a dent. I inspected my face with a fine toothed comb and saw that I also had two tiny tiny scar-looking things - one in the middle of my forehead and one in the bumpy area of my right temple. I immediately discontinued the Differin.


Even though the dent itself is small, there seems to be a cleft in the forehead muscle running underneath. I can feel it easily, my finger goes into it when I feel the area. The overall effect is it looks like that area of my forehead has been cleaved in two. Sometimes it looks better, sometimes worse.


Since then I have TRIED to only use unmedicated products on my face but the acne and the hyperpigmentation really depress me and so sometimes I would give in. In January, I used some  Garden of Wisdom 5% mandelic acid a couple of times to heal a breakout. Then I squeezed two blackheads. This left two smallllll holes in my skin that never went away although they did become less noticeable I think over time. However I now had two new scars.


In March, my sister came to visit and I had her look at the bumpy area for me. At this point I was trying to continue the unmedicated products - only a cleanser and Zenmed oil-free moisturizer. I asked her if it looked like it had acne scars. She said no, but it looked like I had a rash. I didn't pay the attention I should have to this.


The Zenmed eventually broke me out badly. The acne got so bad after using it that I gave in and used 1% salicylic acid on my face twice daily up until 2 weeks ago. I also put on some Garden of Wisdom 5% mandelic acid for the hyperpigmentation. I really thought that the Differin had caused my acne to start scarring (read some posts on acne.org about this issue) so I wanted to keep the acne away at all costs. I had seen a money-grubbing dermatologist back in November who told me this. She wanted me to use all kinds of crazy high % acids on my face but thankfully I had refused her products.


On Friday I glanced in the mirror (I try not to look too much) and realized there were more scars in the bumpy area and the two from January had just expanded to become noticeable from a distance. Since the area is on the right side of my face it is difficult to see properly. I took a photo of it with my phone and immediately saw that I had a bad rash. Immediately my mind went back to what my sister said alllllll the way back in March. 2.5 months ago. I immediately went to the doctor. My PCP's practice has an MD who does a lot of dermatology although she is not a dermatologist. I wish I'd gone to her back in November.


She looked at my face for 30 seconds and said:

1) It's too dry. Yes it is, because moisturizer breaks me out so badly

2) Some of this is acne but some of it is dermatitis.

3) I have inflammation in my skin and it's the inflammation that is causing the scarring (not the acne). I asked her what kind of inflammation since I only use hypoallergenic fragrance-free stuff. She said it was just inflammation, kind of like some people get eczema.


She prescribed me with Metrogel for the acne to be applied topically at night and said I should use Cerave moisturizer to calm and heal the inflammation.


I was shocked at her analysis. It makes me actually trust her. I had not told her about w/d or the weird inflammation in other parts of my body that follows any wounding process. It is a relief in some ways because every new pimple or blackhead used to fill me with absolute dread. Now I just have to worry about the dark marks from those.


On the other hand it is terrifying that there is this inflammatory process going on in my skin that is scarring it potentially permanently and I do NOT KNOW how to stop it since for sure it is a part of withdrawal.


Although I feel her analysis was very accurate, I am not sure if I should follow the treatment protocol. Part of this whole mess is that practically anything I put on my face itches, stings, burns, OR just for variety, causes my eyes to tear/water/feeling full/stiff. I tried Cerave sometime last year in Oct/Nov and it lit up the entire center of my face.


Get this, I have been using Renee Rouleau's moisturizer on the center of my face for weeks with no issues to my eyes, no issues to the skin there (was applying salicylic acid to the rest of the face). So now that I've sworn off acids for good, I put on the RR moisturizer all over my face. Well first of all, the entire face started to burn and it was itchy. My eyes also have the full, teary feeling. I was applying this stuff DIRECTLY to my eye area for weeks now. Could someone explain this to me before I have a heart attack please? I feel like I was going along so well for the last six weeks or so and now plunged back into an incredible amount of distress. Granted I think I may also need to discontinue taking Zinc supplements. I am extraordinarily revved and have been this way since Monday.


I did try the Metrogel under the RR moisturizer last night. I thought it was that causing the discomfort but this morning I didn't put on any and I'm still in pain. I guess my concern is that ANYTHING I put on my face could potentially irritate it and contribute to inflammation at this point and worsen the scarring or whatever these textural changes are.


Is there anyone out there who ha experienced something similar? It's been over a year since this all started. Ten months since I moved and it flared so badly. The last couple of months I thought I was experiencing improvement because I did NOT have eye problems or itching or burning but turns out I was all rashy anyway. I don't know why I never saw the rash until I took a photo of the side of my face. I thought the area was smooth except for acne and some weird lines that looked like the skin wanted to flake off but never did.




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Hi Princezz.  What a mess.  I'm so sorry for the ordeal you are suffering.  I've had a similar, but different situation.  During my taper, I had one horrible wave where my right eye, right eyebrow and forehead started itching like nobody's business.  It was a PAINFUL itch that could not be scratched.  It was my absolute worst withdrawal symptom and it happened during Christmas and lasted a week.


Now, since becoming benzo free, I have changed locations.  The first morning was ok.  The second morning I woke up with my eyes almost swollen shut and my face was also swollen.  I hadn't changed any soap, moisturizer or anything --- only locations and maybe diet was a factor.  The swelling responded to Benadryl, so I believe it was an allergic reaction brought about by my sensitive CNS due to benzo wd.


After 2 days my eyes stopped swelling but my cheeks kept on swelling.  My cheeks were also very red and my face was very hot, but not on fire.  Finally, the swelling went away, but I am left with skin on my face, (cheeks especially), that almost seems scorched to the touch and very, very dry.  I haven't examined my face closely because I can't bare to 'really see' what it truly looks like or if it's scared.


I've had sensitive skin on my face all of my life, but never to this degree.  Right now I've cut out makeup, (except for special occasions), and I'm only using a light fragrance free moisturizer by Jafra and my usual Chanel milk cleanser. 


My guess is that I reacted to a new chemical in my environment as well as changing locations must have caused me stress, (although I didn't feel stressed out), and this caused my usual threshold for tolerating facial allergens to rev up.  It's AMAZING what withdrawal does to us!  I hope you find some answers and solutions soon. 

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Hi Julie,


YES! I have had sensitive skin or rather allergies to products but never like this. I am sorry you are going through this too, but at the same time I feel comforted. I will look up both those products. I am also wondering if it makes sense to try the "caveman method"  i.e. wash my face with only water and then put the metrogel over that. maybe that would eliminate the need for moisturizer and perhaps keep the acne away. I cannot seem to find a cleanser with no fragrance, no medication, no sulfates and no glycerin. Glycerin is the one thing I've been able to identify - if I put it on my face in any concentration (I've tried diluting it with water 10:1) it will burn and itch.


I too have swelling in my face from this whole order. Like an area under my right cheek that developed. I also believe the forehead muscle where the cleft is is swollen. This is ridiculous!


Thank you for sharing. We should keep in touch



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Hi Princezz! Gosh, I think this is the first post I've seen where someone has a similar skin issue.  I have had the same reaction if I nick or scrape my skin. I had a place, also by the nail bed that I mildly cut with a plastic box and it turned red and swelled like crazy. There have been other places as well, same reaction. I work in a very dusty environment and my shoes are always full of sand which lightly nicks my toes and they turn red and swell! I happened to have a doc appt when I had the place on my finger and she said same as yours, Hmmm, some kind of inflammation. Yep. Even though it was not infected, I did use neosporin on it and it did take the swelling out but it was red for a long time. I just noticed the other day that it seems back to normal.


I don't have a lot of time to post today but I want to tell you some things that have helped in case you find them beneficial. I'll be around more this weekend if you have questions. I suspected that many of the inflammation issues could be caused by a reverse T-3 problem. You have enough T-3 thus your test looks okay but reverse T-3 basically blocks it from getting in the cells. Perse's thyroid post explains all this much better! Long story short, one of the things that can help is selenium which is abundant in Brazil nuts. I started eating two or three a day and within two weeks my toes were much improved and stopped puffing up and turning red. I also started taking zinc, I saw your other post saying it rev'd you up. I found it very helpful but I did start very slowly, taking only 1/2 a 15mg pill every other day. When I was okay with that I took one pill every other day and than gradually daily. The result are subtle but noticeable. I also take C and magnesium. Anything else I can do to decrease inflammation from a dietary standpoint, I do. Lots of veggies, a green drink 4 times a week or so, the spice tumeric in whatever I can think to put it in, etc.


Now I have not had too much problem with the skin on my face but I'm sure it's all related. I'm VERY gentle with cleaning it, I wipe gently with a cool wash cloth, then clean with Oil of Olay toner and spray Na-PCA (available at health food stores) on my hand and pat it all over. Lots of Aloe in it, I've found it soothing. I moisturize with Estee Lauder Day wear and have not had any trouble with it. Just Aloe has also helped some of the inflamed places on my body, I keep a stalk in my fridge at all times which I get at Whole Foods but I hope to grow some this summer. So that's the quick version :D Hope it helps, let me know if you find the total solution!! Zippy

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Wow Zippy, what a thorough post. I did not think I would find anyone with that same exact issue.


Is there testing that can be done for the reverse T-3? I am going to see a naturopath on Tuesday so I think I will ask her about that. I was eating brazil nuts daily for a few months but stopped because now I am following an autoimmune paleo protocol. 


I was going to stop the zinc altogether but maybe I will take your advice and only have a quarter tablet tonight.


I did start juicing two days ago but I find it gives me indigestion and gas for many hours. I am going to try changing the juice composition.


I am currently considering the caveman method for my face. Seriously. The Na-PCA I am afraid to try because of the essential oils in it :( Checking out the Estee Lauder now.



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Hi Princezz!

Yes, there is testing for the reverse T-3. I think they test T-3 and R-T3 and then look at the ratio between the two. I'll be interested to hear what the naturopath says! Hopefully they will have some good info for you.


This is such a crazy process! What works for some may have no or even ill effects on another. I figure all we can do is put the info out there and maybe for a few people it will help. I tried some different oil supplements (evening primrose, fish oil, etc.) and my system just didn't like them but I know some people have had big benefits. It's quite possible I have low zinc as I was vegetarian most of my adult life. Did you see Parker's post about Spectracell testing? It tests for a bunch of different nutrients. Sounded interesting and I'd love to have it done so I'd KNOW if I was deficient in anything. I believe her post is on the Protracted board. Your naturopath may be familiar with Spectracell. Best wishes! Zippy

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My face was a mess for awhile, at it's worst the only thing my face responded to was manuka honey and green pastures beauty balm, lifesavers or should I say face savers!
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One more thing!  Google organic tallow, it's another face saver.  Harsh products always make my skin worse.
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Well I've had something going on with my face since January. Itching, tingling, strange bumps, etc. Started after a course of antibiotics, and then probiotics. First diagnosed as sinus infection. Put on antibiotics. No go. Then told it was like an aura for a migraine headache, without the headache. Prescribed Topamax. Never took the junk. Then told it might be seborrheic dermatitis. Put on ketoconazole. Almost blew my brains out. I have attacks pretty regularly, worst of all in the mornings. I have no idea what it is.
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I am so sorry you are going thru this. I too have been having face problems like you describe. My dermatologist told me to stop all products and go natural.  She told me to use aloe plant which is a natural cleanser and anti-inflammatory. U-tube has some great post on this and it did not bother me (after a 2 month use of 10% alphahydroxide acid. Benzoids made me think it was a lotion not an acid. OMG)


The dermatologist then told me to use extra virgin olive oil for a moisturizer on my face. I thought she was crazy, putting oil on my face when my whole life I have been trying to get rid of oil. But it worked good. It added moisture with very little break out. I am thinking the break outs are benzoid withdrawls.


This has helped me .  Good luck and be safe

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Hi Princezz!

Yes, there is testing for the reverse T-3. I think they test T-3 and R-T3 and then look at the ratio between the two. I'll be interested to hear what the naturopath says! Hopefully they will have some good info for you.


This is such a crazy process! What works for some may have no or even ill effects on another. I figure all we can do is put the info out there and maybe for a few people it will help. I tried some different oil supplements (evening primrose, fish oil, etc.) and my system just didn't like them but I know some people have had big benefits. It's quite possible I have low zinc as I was vegetarian most of my adult life. Did you see Parker's post about Spectracell testing? It tests for a bunch of different nutrients. Sounded interesting and I'd love to have it done so I'd KNOW if I was deficient in anything. I believe her post is on the Protracted board. Your naturopath may be familiar with Spectracell. Best wishes! Zippy


I am definitely interested in learning my nutritional status as I have been unable to take a multivitamin since w/d started which is 3 years now. Taking notes from this thread for the ND, thank you!

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My face was a mess for awhile, at it's worst the only thing my face responded to was manuka honey and green pastures beauty balm, lifesavers or should I say face savers!


Hi Klownopin, I tried honey as a cleanser before and it broke me out and also made me rashy :( :( Coincidentally I was planning to order a bottle of CLO from this same company once my regular one runs out though.

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One more thing!  Google organic tallow, it's another face saver.  Harsh products always make my skin worse.


Do you think tallow would be bad for acne? Funny, I was looking up how to purchase this when I realized hey, this is the stuff I scrape off the top of my bone broth and dump in the garbage every week. Lol

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Well I've had something going on with my face since January. Itching, tingling, strange bumps, etc. Started after a course of antibiotics, and then probiotics. First diagnosed as sinus infection. Put on antibiotics. No go. Then told it was like an aura for a migraine headache, without the headache. Prescribed Topamax. Never took the junk. Then told it might be seborrheic dermatitis. Put on ketoconazole. Almost blew my brains out. I have attacks pretty regularly, worst of all in the mornings. I have no idea what it is.


I'd say just hold the course. Don't change ANYTHING about your routine once you've pared it down to the most simple. If I had not moved to another state I don't think the inflammation would have progressed like this

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I am so sorry you are going thru this. I too have been having face problems like you describe. My dermatologist told me to stop all products and go natural.  She told me to use aloe plant which is a natural cleanser and anti-inflammatory. U-tube has some great post on this and it did not bother me (after a 2 month use of 10% alphahydroxide acid. Benzoids made me think it was a lotion not an acid. OMG)


The dermatologist then told me to use extra virgin olive oil for a moisturizer on my face. I thought she was crazy, putting oil on my face when my whole life I have been trying to get rid of oil. But it worked good. It added moisture with very little break out. I am thinking the break outs are benzoid withdrawls.


This has helped me .  Good luck and be safe


Hi IG, thank you for sharing. Can you describe exactly what problems you're having?


I'm kind of scared of aloe. My experiments with ACV and honey went terribly so anything natural kind of freaks me out now. I am currently washing my face with water only but even that leaves it dry, itchy and somewhat irritated! But the visible dermatitis is subsiding (the rashy look) so I guess I'll just go with this. I put a little baobab oil into water in a spray bottle for moisture. Hopefully I won't break out. Since changing my diet drastically, my acne is mainly cosmetic i.e. caused by creams/oils/moisturizers.



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