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Iritable Bowel Syndrome and Dicyclomine


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I have read here and elsewhere how irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be a symptom of benzo withdrawal.  I never knew that, as I had been diagnosed with IBS for about ten years now -- a lot longer than I have had the panic attacks or severe anxiety.  The IBS is definitely worse during anxiety periods, though, and as I think back on it the IBS has seemed to be related to when and how much ativan I was taking!  IBS is certainly something I would love to be totally rid of!  Anyway, my question to the group is this:  I have a prescription for Dicyclomine for the IBS.  This drug basically calms down my intestines and stomach and also has some mild sedative effects.  I have looked it up and it does not appear to be a GABA receptor type drug but works on a different receptor.  Does anyone know if taking this drug when I am tapering off the valium (switched from ativan to valium for taper) will affect my withdrawal?  For example, last night I had a terrible bout of IBS and could not sleep till I took a pill.  Thanks!

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Diclyclomine does not work on GABA receptors. It does work on certain parasympathetic receptors (the calming neurotransmitter as opposed to the "fight or flight transmitter) which slows GI motility. And it also is kind of a local anesthetic which calms spasms.

So you should be fine using this. It should not effect your taper.  :)

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