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Improvemnts last 5 days


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My withdrawal off xanax has taken a good turn over the last 5 days.

I was taking 1 Ambien CR 12.5 nightly and ran out. So I put my foot

down and didn't refill script 5 days ago.


I have had no discernible increase in sys and actually it has been the

opposite. My sys from xanax taper and withdrawals have seemed to 

lessen. Tinnitus and sleep disturbance still being the worst. Anxiety has

been reduced dramatically. Never had that before, it was a side affect

of both meds. CNS still a bit sensitive but if I could give up coffee that

would help. Stopping alcohol has made a BIG difference this attempt. 


In short, dumping ambien helped and will cut X again this week down to

.5mg per day since I am stable ATM. If all goes well may dump X next week.

I started taper around mid Jan from about 2 mg X a day. Couldn't really cut

the Ambien pill very easy so just stopped.


BTW I swim 3/4 days a week for 1hr. and that helps


Best to All BB on the road to recovery.



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