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how to stop awful thoughts


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reminds me of OCD, why not google ocd and use the tips for coping with it? sometimes if you write down your thoughts they will stop recurring.
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Hi  thunderdan,


These kinds of obsessive thoughts are common during withdrawal. There is a technique called 'Thought Stopping'. This is a way to remind yourself to stop thinking any sort of thoughts you find disturbing.


You place an elastic band on your wrist. When you start to have one of these thoughts, you snap the elastic and. Snapping the elestic shouldn't hurt. This isn't a punishment. It should simply be a way to bring your mind back to where you are. So, you will snap the elastic and say, either out loud or to yourself, "Stop!" You must then turn your attention to something else or your mind will wander back to the thought. You can look at the tiles on the floor in great detail. See the differing patterns or the differing colours. Count how many different shades of colours you see. Or look at the wall and pick out things in detail you see. You must go into as much detail as possible to allow your mind to really focus on something else. This technique also helps when dealing with anxiety or panic attacks.


Be patient. It will take practice as does anything. But keep at it. You will then see you have control over your thoughts and this is a very empowering feeling.

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ive been reading about intrusive thoughts relating to ocd.  i get sick sexual thoughts.  i learned the key is to not run from them and just accept them and not be disgusted.



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:D they will go away. they are part of wd  sexual thoughts-- violent thoughts-- crazy dreams. just let em happen.. it will get better. happens to many of us. same goes with suicidal thoughts . try to see that these things are just part of the getting better process . try not to freak out when or the frequency or the vividness of these thoughts. try this. say to yourself . ( im not a bad person trying to get good) rather. ( im a sick person trying too get well).  :thumbsup:
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Dude I am going through this right now as well. I literally try to focus my attention else where! It gave me so much anxiety i mean bad! Its crazy there totally random I'm the most laid back person youd ever meet! But I had a thought late on night walking into my kitchen and i thought about stabbing my girlfriend I was like whatttttt the hell!!! Freaked me out bad! Then the other day I had a wierd thought when I was changing my sons diaper, wont go into detail but I literally had a anxiety attack! I was thinking to myself what am I turning into a child molestor now.....and the answer is NO. They freaked me out cuz there not part of my normal thought process but Im learning the hard way but ya just gotta roll with it and not work yourself up over it.....
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Well mines is a little different,im having scarey questions of what if,like what if I hurt someone.And then it takes me a few days to stop obssesing over it,torture.I dont know if this is ocd or not.
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I have these to. Sumtyms in the car , I think of just openin the door nd jumpin out in the highway, I freak out wen ths happens. Cz its f'n weird nd jst crazy. Wen I hold or see a knife, I think of hw stabbing myslf or sum1 wud feel. These thoughts are evil, benzos are evil pills honestly. I also question if these thots will eva go away. Cnt stand them cz wen they strt, my anxiety shoots ryt thru the roof.
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I know how disturbing these thoughts are. This kind of thinking if part of the withdrawal of this medication. The majority of people who have these types of fleeting thoughts don't act on them.

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cant stop thinking of dying and perverted sex stuff.  what can i do?

Dude... These thoughts Suck. Lol. Sorry if this offends anyone but i think it is interesting and funny.. A thought popped into my head of me wipping my butt with my hand and then eating it?? And then i got scared of this thought because i know i dont have a grasp on myself and might actually do it. Lol..

Then i get these wierd thoughts aboutkilling my dog, or starting my car without oil( while doing an oil change) or turning in the opposite side if the freeway.. And all these thoughts give me this fear sensation that tells me to check myself because it could happen since i dont have a grasp on myself.


I think this is a form of healing though, maybe its our brain dumping out all the bad stuff(to its extremities)  and reminding us our morals.

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I have this too mine is about babies though and I am having a baby in september imagine how scared i am lol. i think a big part of it for me is the WD...i believe i have suffered mild ocd all my life though :( its deff no fun!
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  • 6 years later...
Anybody still around from this thread. I know dave23 is. This is my absolute worst symptom and I'm trying to learn to accept the intrusive thoughts and feelings that I've never had before, but it's very difficult.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw the subject and I wanted to read what people have to say about it or if I can help.  I have OCD since I was young so this is a familiar subject for me.  It is definitely part of the list of withdrawal symptoms.  But for just always been there for me.  It's scary because you get  thoughts that is in total opposition of your value and who you are.  It feels it is coming from outside and infiltrated your brain. 


In most of the therapy I have done, they explain that if you focus on the fact that you don't want to think about something, you will think about it.  Example, try to think of a pink elephant, it won't work that well.  But if you try not to think of a pink elephant than you keep thinking about it.  That's why when it happens, you try not to focus of stopping the thoughts.  You can rationalized it by understanding its a symptoms and you will not act on it and it's not part of your value.  Mindfulness help a lot since it can show you how to dissociate from intrusive images or thoughts without judging them.  Like if your mind stay on the side of the road watching thoughts passing by and you just letting them go or passing by again without judging and eventually they go away.  There is some app that can help you with mindfulness.


It's not easy but it works.  I am a non violent person but I kept having violent thoughts and it was very upsetting.  When I stop thinking I was a bad person for having those images and understood that it was a symptoms or illness, it started to get better.


Hope I was able to help, wishing you the best



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"Dude... These thoughts Suck. Lol. Sorry if this offends anyone but i think it is interesting and funny.. A thought popped into my head of me wipping my butt with my hand and then eating it?? And then i got scared of this thought because i know i dont have a grasp on myself and might actually do it. Lol..

Then i get these wierd thoughts aboutkilling my dog, or starting my car without oil( while doing an oil change) or turning in the opposite side if the freeway.. And all these thoughts give me this fear sensation that tells me to check myself because it could happen since i dont have a grasp on myself.


I think this is a form of healing though, maybe its our brain dumping out all the bad stuff(to its extremities)  and reminding us our morals."



Dude wtf 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.d4fd64707e6ee0675c648fae9edacbf1&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f11nloJQzzDP1MA%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=oYElbE%2fPrDD3bkPz%2fEiPYA

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  • 2 weeks later...
I used to have these intrusive thoughts when I was in college, over 25 years ago.  I prayed and eventually God took them away.  Those were very intense negative thoughts that I would never be able to function again socially, or in any other aspect.  I actually started to believe that I had no redeeming qualities and would never be accepted by anyone as an equal, or never be liked or loved.  God took all that away within weeks once I really started to talk with Him every day.  But now, this post benzo stuff, this is not the same thing.  This is a beast that does not play by the same rules.  This is a brain damage type of thing.  This is not something that took a hold of my spirit and my soul and threatened to end me, no this feels like something altogether different, strange, undefined, unclear, but insurmountable and very frightening.  I am truly scared about where my brain is going to end up.  I am having a really hard time believing I will ever heal.  This is beyond scary.  People who are born with this, or have it at a young age, I wonder what happened to their brains to cause this.  This is not normal folks, this is brain damage.  Anyone who spontaneously gets this type of illness must have suffered some sort of brain damage or extreme trauma.  This can't be something that just comes from nowhere, it must be a result of a chronic imbalance, or malfunction of the brain.  This can't be a thinking or mental problem, it seems more like a physiological/physical damage type of issue.  I've had a lot of mental and psychological issues in my life.  There has always been a solution.  I was always able to find a solution.  I'm starting to wonder if alcohol was one of my solutions.  Now that I'm not drinking, going on 9 months, just maybe the alcohol held it at bay.
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