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Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)? Any start?


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I am 21 months benzo free.  However, I am also having auto-immune issues as well (Hashimoto's and maybe Sjogren's), so it's difficult to tell how much of my sxs are from benzo withdrawal or from the autoimmune disorders.  I have heard alot about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for autoimmune issues and I'm wondering if anyone here is on it?  If so, did it aggravate your sxs?


LDN Info here:  http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/gazorpa/LDNFAQ.html



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Thanks, Fliprain.  I read through the thread.  I also read part of Libby's blog and I see that she started LDN, too.  However, the blog was pretty long (60+ pages) and I couldn't find out what ended up happening to her.  Did she stay on LDN?  Did it work for her?


Fliprain, do you also have autoimmune conditions?  You didn't notice anything from it all, even when raising the dose?


Thanks again?

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Libby and Leena were both taking LDN. They both stopped, I think. Libby comes back every once in a while. Maybe you could leave her a PM.


I never tried a higher dose I don't think. I'd have to look back on notes from then. I was so hopeful. I read a couple of books on the subject and pitched it to my psychiatrist who then prescribed it.  I may give it another look while I still have the psychiatrist around. All I noticed was a sleep interruption.


I do have some autoimmune issues. They are nt the great big ones. A collection of little annoying ones. Celiac, Dupuytrens, lichen planus, connective tissue, and maybe fibromyalgia. I think it's all just saying whoa, your body is really inflamed and you need to put out the fire.


I just finished my taper last week after almost two years. I'm casting about for a good way of eating that I can live with.


Keep in touch on how it works, OK?



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Hi Zugora


I'm taking LDN for ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.  I began taking it in January this year and took a while to get my dose up.  I haven't noticed any improvements being on it but recently found out I have candida gut overgrowth and I know that can interfere with the LDN.  Also I did actually have a huge flare up within a few days of starting it, and although this is unusual it seems it can 'unmask' or reactivate viruses etc.  With the Hashimotos (which I have too) you do need to be very careful about going up slowly and having your thyroid monitored really well while you're on it.  I recently - coinciding with Valium withdrawal - went from years of hypothyroid into hyperthyroid territory and required an adjustment of my thryroxine medication. 


I do have a number of friends also taking it who really benefit from it and I hope that if you decide to take it that will be the case for you too. 




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  • 2 weeks later...
I tried to start LDN at 1.5 mg. and while I didn't have any sleep problems, I did feel feverish and miserable all the time. I may try again later and at a lower dose.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I am super late to this party! I did start LDN last year and have been off and on it several times. However, I was never able to take it long because it would either activate something latent in my body, causing low grade fever and aches etc, or because my pain was bad enough from spinal cord injury that I needed narcotics which really can't be taken with LDN, as they cancel each other out. However, I have quite a few friends (online, in the hundreds) who have entirely gotten their lives back on LDN. I think it is always worth a try, but just start at like 0.5mg per day and move up so you can deal with the herx reactions (if it does indeed activate something latent in your body...if you can get through the herx, the virus or bacteria or whatever will be killed off and you'll be better off). I intend to give it another go at some point.



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Just something that may be worth keeping in mind - apparently if LDN doesn't help you obviously then one reason can be because of candida overgrowth.
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Thanks, everyone. My doctor just prescribed LDN to me and I will be starting it next week.  I'm scared.  I'm scared that it might rev up withdrawal symptoms.  I have a couple of things going on (2 years off benzos, autoimmune issues, thyroid issues, methylation b-vitamin issues), so it's tough to tease out the symptoms.  All I know is that I'm a complete mess!


Any other people start LDN in protracted withdrawal?

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hello there



I'm 3.5 month off and really suffer for muscle tension. I'm now on piracetam and some supplements but no any significant improvement.

I just notice about LDN and tizanidine in the post here in BB and interest to give it a try.


I try to find a safe way to deal with both LDN and tizanidine such dose, duration and tapering method.



hope this not disturbing and wish you all a good healthy life.



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  • 2 months later...

Thanks, everyone. My doctor just prescribed LDN to me and I will be starting it next week.  I'm scared.  I'm scared that it might rev up withdrawal symptoms.  I have a couple of things going on (2 years off benzos, autoimmune issues, thyroid issues, methylation b-vitamin issues), so it's tough to tease out the symptoms.  All I know is that I'm a complete mess!


Any other people start LDN in protracted withdrawal?


Hey. I have Hashimoto's, methylation issues and am thyroid problems as well. It's probably somehow all interrelated. How is the LDN going for you? I want to try at a much lower dose than 1.5. after I'm done with my last grad class. I'm down from 12 mg. to 6 mg. of Valium, which is good. I feel dumber than I ever have though. It's terrifying. I know this stuff causes brain damage. I can feel it. Oh, btw, the paleo diet put my Hashimoto's into remission. It's a tough plan to follow, but my doctor was so impressed that he put other autoimmune patients on it with great success.

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