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8 months off today , now i have questions and i need help fore the answer???


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now iam 8 months off, and i feel this dayes good ,but ihave more questions made me lost isaw more posts here they said toke them years and they still didnt recover iknow every one is different but what the normal average for healing iam lost , and for my situation fore my friends who knows me here they know whats happen before to me iwas really bad with all the symptom's but with the time i start feel more normal than before but still not perfect and iget hit with waves maybe week or 10 days in  month or 3 weeks before iwas every day , so is that mean iam start back again or iwill get sick again more like the other posts ,plus i saw posts said  people who stopped c\t they suffer more ,will idid stopped in 3 dayes after itoke it for 1month so thats mean iwill get worse??said plz any one explain to me where iam ??
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I am not sure how much you took, presumably you took it daily?


It is quite impossible to say how it will affect you, and I do not think there is such a thing as average, it is very individual.


Unfortunately, I think you just got to take ut as it comes, and hope for the best.


My bet would be if you only took them for a month that you will not suffer for a long time.



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you must expect the unexpected with benzos.  anything is possible.  good days and bad days.  for some it takes longer than others.  i am 13 mo off and still have bad days but not as many as i did at the beginning.

measure you progress monthly not daily or even weekly.

you will get thru it.  make your mind up that you will keep moving forward.




keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.

my story is in the blogs.

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hiii arcey, thx for ur answer iam just lost from what idid read in here people said 2 years and they still have bad waves , ididnt take big does and i toke it around month , iwanna know the people does healed what the signs they got before they completely healed
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Hi hoda,


Take a deep breath and relax...you are going to be okay.  You will eventually heal.  You will probably have many windows, and waves in the mean time, but you are going to be ok.  I went cold turkey off of Ativan and Ambien at the same time...It took me 15 months to completely heal, and I am feeling great now.  When you read a discouraging post, it doesn't mean that you will be the same as the person who posted.  We all heal in different ways, and different lengths of time.  Relax, you will be just fine.


Your friend.



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Hi Hoda...  You were on this a short time.  As PJ said, take a breath.. I know its very difficult experiencing all this, but you will be fine Hoda.  Remember, your system is healing.  Are you staying away for vitamins, minerals, personal products that have tons of chemicals in it.  You want to be aware of everything you put in your mouth, on your skin or hair.  Keep everything as natural as you can.  Eat very, very healthy... no processed foods/msg, watch sugars, caffine... Be very aware of eating correctly.  This will all be behind you soon.  Are you getting out for walks.. Listen to Bliss Johns on YouTube..or some meditation/relaxtion videos with proper breathing..all free on YouTube.  You take care... you'll be ok and will get all this behind you.  Patty
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hiii pattylu, thx for ur answer , ido all what u say plus iam personal trainer so i work out twice week ,but iam taking ginko fore blood circle in brain plus centrum  to give me all the vitamins ineed ,
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