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benzo belly - does it get better after you are healed?


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I am 26 weeks off as of yesterday.  It has been a road with many ups and downs.  While I am not totally healed I do feel I am making significant (albeit slow) progress.  This summer I have made a concerted effort to eat lighter and exercise.  I am frustrated with my belly.  I definitely have a rounded (looks like I am 3-4 months pregnant) tummy.  This is not how I looked prior to this experience.  I know it is from cortisol/stress and possibley GI issues (have been fairly constipated through this journey).


My question is this, does this go away as things dial down and I get better?  Or am I stuck with a pooch?  I know in the big scheme of things after all the hell I have been through this is small.  But still, I would like to return to my former self in every way.


Anyone healed or healed enough to see this improve?




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I took Xanax heavily for years so I know what you are talking about when you say you have a belly that seems to not want to go away! I've been without benzos for almost a year and a half and I finally have a flat stomach again. It did take a long time and it took a lot of work. Mostly I ate healthy and dialed down some of the portions. I also exercised a few times a week. I think what honestly did it for me was going off of all medications. Any antidepressant or sleep medication that I was on made it really difficult to get rid of that pooch. Just keep it up with the diet and exercise and it will happen slowly. Also, drink lots of water and try to get some fiber because that will help with bloating. Best of luck!
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Benzo belly is not really fat as much as it is bloating.....very common...I am 19 months and still have it....even if i eat less it still protrudes.....takes a long time to go away.



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