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weight loss


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Is anyone else experiencing weight loss after going cold turkey? I've lost 20 and can't afford to lose another pound. Any thoughts?
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Are you saying you have lost 20lbs just this month?  Your signature says July of 2012 or am I mistaken.  I stopped my valium after 13 yrs of steady use on June 26th 2012, and have lost 5 lbs. The stress is probably doing it. But if you have lost 20 lbs... I would surely ask your doctor about it.

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Hi Riley,

Weight loss is quite common after cold turkey but 20 Ibs in a short time does seem excessive I agree.

If you have lost this much weight in a very short period, it might be an idea to seek medical advice.



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Hello:  I too had concerns about weight loss.  I lost 30 lbs and after 5 months of being off ativan I am finally starting to gain a pound or two.  My weight stabilized at about 3 months.  I hope this helps.
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Thanks for the replies everyone. I quit taking ativan in june sometime andwas given xanax in july, I didn't finish the xanax since I figured out was happening to me. I have been to the dr several times, waiting on the tests from my gastro. I have a feeling  those tests will be normal too.

I am stressed to the max, that's for sure.

I had to take flagyl the same time I quit ativan, apparently both snatch your appetite. I'm at a loss here.

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Feels good to hear similar stories.


I think I am figuring this out, my body reacts badly to gluten and dairy. I'm experimenting with my diet, hopefully this will stop the rapid weight loss and improve other things. Also taking probiotics. When all this craziness began for me in june I was on a very strong antibiotic named flagyl and I'm sure my flora is destroyed. Maybe our flora contributes to our healing time. I'll keep you posted.

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I am right there with you except I can afford to lose weight. I have lost 20lbs during withdrawal and I am still losing weight but I have significantly changed my diet and am more active now. My withdrawals scared the heck out of me to pay attention to my health and nutrition. I've had blood test galore and everything was normal other than ketones were a little high and protein which is expected to be normal as I couldn't eat anything more than 5-800 calories a day for about 2 weeks in the beginning. It was scary losing the weight and having all the stomach stuff. I am still having stomach issues with digestion (very sluggish) and the gastro doc wants to do a colonoscopy on Monday just to make sure everything is ok..Not siked but atleast I'll know if something is wrong or not.


Are you eating carbs? That is mainly why I am losing weight because I've dramatically cut breads from my diet. I have been trying to cut grains and lower dairy in my diet. I added sauerkraut and water kefir to my diet as well as adding a probiotic pill and was taking collidal silver in the am to kill any bad bacteria or fungus.


What tests did you have done at your gastro? What gastro issues are you having if you don't mind me asking?



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We are in the same boat, I cut out carbs too,.I just made the connection in the last few days.


I had blood tests and a rectal exam, nothing invasive. I was given align and am taking other probiotics . Kefir is my new best friend as well!


As fars my gastro problems I was having several bowel movements each day and I was urinating excessively. My digestion process was painful, I could feel the foods traveling through my body and it hurt! The food would come back out undigested... That's when I got scared.

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Add some digestive enzymes. Eat them after each meal and it should help. You may also have not enough stomach acid right now. Enzymes should help with the probiotics. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I have to get a colonoscopy on Monday and the gastro doc said if people's bowel movements change they typically want to do the colonoscopy to make sure nothing is wrong. Hopefully you aren't taking any PPI's or antiacids? Talk to your doctor about a hydrochloric acid supplement. You stomach might not be producing enough right now.



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I got some papaya, thanks for the tips. No antacids lately, I did take a zantac about two weeks ago, my stomach acid was out of control! I hope I didn't do any damage.
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Today I weighed myself and I have lost 25 pounds in 12 weeks. About 2 lbs a week. At first I couldn't eat and was awful for about a week or 2. Then I could eat. My nerves felt electric and my anxiety and stress has been maxed and I'm not in any stressful situations. Then I was nauseous again for about a week and I've been eating normal for a while. I have significantly changed my diet. I haven't had coffee in over 2 months which is huge. I've been consuming more produce than anything and have been drinking mostly water and occasionally juice. So dramatic reduction in carbs and sugars which is awesome. I was overweight by a lot and finally getting closer to my optimal weight. I've also gotten off my ass and take walks and occasional slow jogs. I've had tons of bloodwork because I was worried and I just had my first colonoscopy on Monday which everything was normal and biopsy was normal so I know its the combination of my changed diet and the ridiculous amount of anxiety and stress. I've heard everyone is different and some people gain weight during and after withdrawal and some lose weight. I've read 20lbs isn't uncommon. Kolonopin in my opinion, is evil stuff. Atleast for my body. My blood pressure rises like crazy when the anxiety/panic and stress kicks in. I hope it doesn't last much longer.


Any changes with you? Hope all is getting better

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this happen to me.lost weight 20#,all test normal.tried enzymes,probiotics,diets

stable now because i eat what i want.low sugar,no dairy,no caffiene,alchohal

like other symptoms gotta pass.stressing it and spending money on yuppie cures do nothing to help.

your gi needs to heal just like everything else.

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Hey The Only Way


Sorry about my long absence, I'm back. My weight has stablized now, I'm holding steady at 146. yahh. I am seeing a connection between the food and how well I feel these days. I have to eat constantly, but things could be worse right?


I feel much better than I did in May and June so I won't complain.


How are you?

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