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What are People's Views on Vitamin B and Benzo Withdrawing?


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I have read on BB that some people avoid Vitamin Bs. I would like to know why.


I know that vitamin B is very helpful for moods and depression.


Any thoughts?



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I have a script for B12 injections to b taken once a month.  OMG the day after I take it and for weeks later, my wd was SOOO much worse!


You see, any vit or supl. that targets the nervous system can and will rev sx's.  Our nervous systems r damaged.  we r in wd.  We dont need any further CNS stimulation.


B vits r the primary vit that act to keep the CNS healthy.  One wud think that taking B vits wud b the thing to do in wd because it just makes sense right?  Also, I tried kava.  I thought it wud calm my nerves....boy was I wrong!



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I take several B vits, not a multi, I can get back to you on what exactly later as I am not home, I know one is B12, I cannot take B 6 as it makes me feel sick. But there are others I do take and tolerate well. They are supposed to help support and balance the nervous system.


I will get back to you on what I take when I am back home.


Early on in my taper I used to take a liquid multi B but that ramped up symptoms really bad, easily noticeable, within half an hour of taking it, what I take now has no noticeable I'll effect.



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If you can take them, I think you should.  Even if they rev up your symptoms, its probably worth it.  They are really essential for the brain.  Deficiency can cause very serious problems.
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I haven't taken any vitamins over the past several months.  But, as I've seen some improvement in my symptoms recently I've decided to try a low dose of multivitamins/calcium.  So far, it's not hurting me and may be helping since my diet is limited at this point.  I think this is worth trying--if it bothers you you can always stop.
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I take B6 and B12, both of which my benzo-wise doc approves.  They are supposed to help w/GABA and the CNS.  As mentioned above - if you can take them, I would.



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Thank you Candy, Henryk, Mairin33, Megan918 & emkbb for your responses.


So it appears that B vitamins revs up the CNS and that in turn may increase w/d s/x.


Has anyone experienced that with eating foods that are enriched in B vitamins?


Taking a multi-vitamin should not be too bad I presume. I just want to make sure I'm not lacking in vitamins.



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As promised, I take Benfotiamine (a synthetic thiamin) It is supposed to help with nerve pain and to protect the nerves, actually several clinical studies show it does just that, more so than the non-synthetic thiamin. I take 300mg a day.


Folacin - (Folic acid) - I take 800 micrograms a day.


Methylcobalamin - This is a vitamin B12 - The methyl version is important, more effective. I take 200o micrograms a day.


I also take MSM, Vitamin C (Natural), Lipoic Acid (Nerve growth factor) and Vitamin D.


I add Spirulina to smoothies every day. I seem to tolerate all the above without worsening any symptoms. I tried B6 but it caused nausea.


When I think a supplement may help I always start by opening a capsule, or shaving off a little of a tablet, or taking a dab of powder, depending on the delivery method, and taking just that. If I notice no ill effect after a few hours, I try a larger amount. If I feel no ill effects from that I will go for half a normal dose. Then I will take the whole thing. That is how I found out B6 does not agree with me, and it avoids a severe reaction if you take a whole dose and it is not good for you.


Hope some of that helps Danni,


All the best,




Henryk. X.

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Hi Henryk;


Thank you so much Henryk for the information. I will look out for how I feel when taking supplements and alter as needed. Stay well.





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