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Vision Question

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I'm a migraine sufferer as many on here already know so I get visual auras and floaters, sometimes just one floater as I look from one thing to another, also, serious headaches and migraines lately. I've been told it's the w/d so I'm going with that. I've been checked out and my brain is fine so no other explanation.


My question is this: Does anyone out there have or did you have vision trouble and what kind with w/d? I've heard of double vision and blurry vision, but mine is splotchy and it's hard for me to read things on paper and computer. I see the highlighting of all the words or objects when I look around. It's almost as if when the sun is out and you look at the ground and see the shadows of the trees and in between their leaves if that makes any sense.


Thank you! :)

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Hi EB,


I think visual disturbances of one kind of another are pretty common with this.  I wore sunglasses a lot more than I usually would have during my taper and up until just recently, even on the computer.


The good news is that it will pass. 


Challis  :smitten:

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Hello EBtired99,



I saw your question and put together some information that may be helpful. I am the type of person who seeks to know what is happening and why, it brings comfort to me. I hope it does the same for you.


I put together everything I could find about vision and eyes. I hope this is helpful.




“The Accidental Addict” by Di Porritt & Di Russell, 2006


Eyes and Vision


Blurred, foggy or fading vision


“Episodes of blurred vision and difficulty in focusing bother most sufferers. People might visit an oculist (eye doctor) several times to have their eyes tested.”


"While blurred vision seems to affect the function of the eye itself, foggy vision is ‘out there’ in the environment, and might include an impression that the room is full of smoke or mist - you find yourself always trying to clean your glasses because they seem smoky or smeared, or there is a cloud in front of your eyes. A dimming of vision is also experienced."



“Some people see flashes of light.”



Acute sensitivity to light

“People in withdrawal tend to dread the bright, sunny days that everyone else welcomes as ‘lovely weather’. Strong light may induce extreme disorientation, anxiety, sweating, even nausea.”



Red, sore, watery eyes


“Many people are plagued by red, pimply, weepy eyes.”


“Eyes can be painful as well as red and unsightly, feeling sore, gritty, itchy, grating and burning- rather like bad conjunctivitis. These benzo-affected eyes produce a lot of liquid, usually referred to as ‘gunge’ or ‘gunk’.”


Perceptual distortions

“Many people find that their visual perceptions are no longer reliable. Things seem to be moving as they look at them. Their spatial sense suffers, making them clumsy and awkward: ‘I kept bumping into walls like a drunk’. Driving skills can be badly impaired by these perceptual distortions, making it hard to negotiate tunnels and traffic lanes.”


“Perceptual distortions can also make it difficult to talk to others in social situation. People around you start to look distorted, or to seem smaller or further away.”







“Recovery & Renewal: Your essential guide to overcoming dependency and withdrawal from sleeping pills, other 'benzo' tranquilizers and antidepressants” by Bliss Johns 2012

Symptoms from A to Z


Eyes: sore, dry, red, tired, blurred vision, double vision, floaters, glazed, glassy appearance


Visual: seeing things e.g. flashing lights


Blurred Vision: everything appears blurred, problems reading and seeing generally


Vision blurred or double: everything appears blurred, problems reading, seeing ‘double’


Visual perception distortion: seeing ‘things’, inanimate objects appear to be moving, people and objects appear flat, one-dimensional and paper-like


Light Hypersensitivity: everything seems intensely and unbearably bright, feeling the need to wear sun glasses even inside, unable to look at computer screen


Moving sensations: false perceptions of body moving


Perceptual Distortion: Speech is distorted, unable to follow a conversation, time delay or inability to reconcile words being uttered with movement of mouth.


False sensation of moving e.g. feeling as though falling through bed, chair or as if part of body is moving away


Visual (seeing ‘things’) e.g. flashing lights, inanimate objects appear to be moving, people appear flat, one- dimensional and paper-like, buildings leaning, undulating floors (wavelike movement)




I hope this is helpful,



PS. I have had nearly all of the above symptoms at one time or another during my taper.

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Thank you all for the posts! Summer that is very helpful. I hope this is some type of blurred distorted vision issue. I hope it goes away.
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This is a great list of eye symptoms, for those of us who have had most of them.  Thank you, Summer.


Hello Megan,


You're welcome. I am happy to hear this information was helpful.


Love to you,


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Thank you all for the posts! Summer that is very helpful. I hope this is some type of blurred distorted vision issue. I hope it goes away.


Hello EBtired99,


You're welcome. I am so happy to hear the information was helpful. This will pass along with all of the other symptoms. You are going to be just fine. It is amazing how much benzos effect our bodies. Vision and eyes issues are common and well documented.


I am sending you my love,



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That's amazing, Summer!  Is it okay if I copy it for later use?

Challis  :smitten:


Hello Challis,


You're welcome. I am happy to hear the information was helpful. It is okay with me if you copy this for later use.


I am sending you my love,

Summer :smitten:

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I've been dealing with a lot of visual stuff since I have become benzo free, I get color shadowing after objects and traces from lights (palinopsia) l also get static snow and black/blind spots in my vision. Very disturbing and annoying, hopefully it will pass!
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It's just weird. I can understand the headaches, anxiety attacks, but how it messes with vision confuses me. My biggest problem is that I was off of klonopin for 4 months when it first happened then cleared up a couple weeks later. THEN after this ativan/trileptal deal it didn't start til April and I wasn't exactly tapering yet when it started. That's why I'm confused and that's why I get scared, but I pray everyday I'll heal and pray it's only this benzo poison!
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yeah, when it happens it's always after I wake up.  I hadn't had it recently, but sure enough it took 30-45 minutes this morning to be able to read my computer screen properly.
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My question is this: Does anyone out there have or did you have vision trouble and what kind with w/d? I've heard of double vision and blurry vision, but mine is splotchy and it's hard for me to read things on paper and computer. I see the highlighting of all the words or objects when I look around. It's almost as if when the sun is out and you look at the ground and see the shadows of the trees and in between their leaves if that makes any sense.

Thank you! :)


Sorry about your migraines.  I had a variety of visual disturbance in my first year off valium.  First, I had visual tracking issues the first couple of months off where it was bothersome to watch sports or anything on tv that was going in circles or quick movements.  Also bothered me to go to my son's sports games where turning my head back and forth would sometimes cause some minor problems.  For some period in the first few months, I found it difficult to read for too long, some fo this may have been related to cog fog.  Also, when I first did a c/t off valium, I ended up with vertigo and extreme dizziness but that went away after I reinstated.  After about 9 months off valium, I gained some weight back (maybe 15 to 20lbs) and I was not exercising, had developed some elevated BP partly as a result of stopping valium and taking ibuprofin for another health problem.  When I would stand up, I would sometimes feel faint and my vision was a little foggy.  That went away after I started eating a little more healthy and gradually exercising more.  Finally, also in part due to the weight gain that first year, I think I started to become a little pre diabetic.  One day I was looking at the computer screen and the screen suddenly got all blurry.  I think that may have been more pre diabetic issue but don't know for sure, although I also started to have some increased thirst and more frequnet urination at the time.  Fortunately, I was able to get that under control with exercise and diet. At about a year off, I still had some minor visual things going on.  I took my son to a sporting event at a big arena and noticed when going down some steep stairs that my vision was not quite 100% when trying to focus on where I was going and then looking up from the steep stairs :D.  Fortunately, all of these issues were gone by about 18 months, possibly sooner.  The CNS can take a while to heal and recover.


Remember, all visual disturbance may not be benzo caused, and although could be related to benzo recovery, best to get checked out by your physician.  Elevated blood pressure or diabetes can, for example, cause visual disturbances.





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Thank you, Summer~~copied, pasted onto a sticky on my laptop with your name at the bottom for credit!

Challis  :smitten:

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Thanks Vertigo! Yeah, I've been checked by my doctors for everything and I'm all good. Better be the benzos!
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How about the bloodshot red, veiny, glassy looking eyes?? Did anyone have this and it passed? I'm so worried.
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I've been dealing with a lot of visual stuff since I have become benzo free, I get color shadowing after objects and traces from lights (palinopsia) l also get static snow and black/blind spots in my vision. Very disturbing and annoying, hopefully it will pass!

Tuk, Hi, I have been thinking about you as we have palinopsia in common and it seems that we are rare. I was researching the net and found that some people get this from taking SSRI meds(antidepressants) Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac.  I took Zoloft a long time ago, not regular and just quit c/t about 6 years prior to benzos. I knew I had some visual stuff but nothing like this and did not link it to the Zoloft.

Anyway, the research said that benzo's makes it worse or makes it more apparent.

I was just wondering if you have ever taken any of the above?

I have been really researching for several days now and it saddens me that not only do benzo's so badly effect us but antidepressants are just as evil in their own way. I hope you are doing well besides the visual.


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Thanks Vertigo! Yeah, I've been checked by my doctors for everything and I'm all good. Better be the benzos!

tired, I have this too and wondering the same thing!  ::)
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@[ R...]

@ skittles, I have never been on an anti-depressant. I have taken LSD (silly I know) about 20 years ago and I wonder if it has anything to do with it, maybe the benzos kept it at bay since then and I am only noticing the palanopsia since becoming benzo free. Hopefully it is just withdrawls and it will fade out, I live in hope.

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@ Redeyes, my right eye was bloodshot during and after my taper, but it cleared up, it's fine now.

@ skittles, I have never been on an antidepressant. I have taken LSD (silly I know) about 20 years ago and I wonder if it has anything to do with it, maybe the benzos kept it at bay since then and I am only noticing the palanopsia since becoming benzo free. Hopefully it is just withdrawls and it will fade out, I live in hope.

My eyes turned blood shot when I juiced and rapidly detoxed my liver naturally. :sick: I did not know though, I thought I was going to cure myself of some fatal disease,  :idiot:

So, I am hoping they get better. I did read some that said they did LSD and also got palinopsia. So, who the heck knows, I guess it could have differant triggers for differant people. :idiot:

I am hoping for the both of us!  :therethere:



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Thanks Vertigo! Yeah, I've been checked by my doctors for everything and I'm all good. Better be the benzos!


Hope so ;)



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