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Anybody else with leaky gut syndrome?


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I had leaky gut syndrome before benzos, and I still do.  I had surgery to remove part of my pancreas when I was eleven years old, and apparently this caused maldigestion of certain foods, which led to leaky gut sydrome.  I was always trying different diets to address it, but what I didn't know at the time was that I am intolerant to dairy, gluten, and eggs.  This in turn has led to chronic liver congestion.  I wanted to know if anybody else had been diagnosed/self diagnosed with leaky gut, and how much you think it may be effecting your b/w recovery?
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i have gi issues as one main pain

it adds to my stress because i am now underweieght

yet when i eat i suffer

have tried everything cannot tolerate antacid,ppi

benzos xcause gastritus and in wd seems to hit you at your weakest spots

what do you take for leaky gut

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i have gi issues as one main pain

it adds to my stress because i am now underweieght

yet when i eat i suffer

have tried everything cannot tolerate antacid,ppi

benzos xcause gastritus and in wd seems to hit you at your weakest spots

what do you take for leaky gut


I can't take anything.  I am intolerant to all supplements, even a few grains of probiotic powder.  I can't eat a proper diet because I can only tolerate a few foods, and the options are narrowing more and more every day.  I basically have two types of reactions to food.  One is leaky gut, gastro type reactions, and the other is a fried nervous system type of reaction. 

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