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multiple mental disorders


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I have major depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and inattentive ADD. Are there others out there who also live with multiple (more than 1) mental health problems? One disorder is hard enough to live with but having all of these is so depressing. Benzo withdrawal makes it worse. :( so lonely.
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Hi Booboo,


Oh, let's see...I have anxiety, panic disorder, depression, was diagnosed as a child with ADHD, and have OCD.  You can just imagine the cocktails that I have been on.  It is very frustrating because no one drug seems to work for me.  I just got so tired of being on so many I had to quit them.  I couldn't tell if I was getting up or coming down.  Constant rollercoaster.  Now I am only on trazodone and ambien (currently tapering off of) and I finally feel like it works.  I am so much more calmer on trazodone and it helps with depression.  I have spent years never feeling right.  One day....it will change.  I started about a year ago just peeling away the layers.  Taking on one disorder at a time.  I read books about each of them and try to do things that are not medicated related to help.  And then it depends on the day I am having.  One day my OCD could be flared up and I have to deal with it.  Another it could be I have a panic attack. 


One thing I am grateful of is that I do not feel alone.  Having this forum has helped a lot.  I have met so many good people on here and it is nice to talk to others who have issues.  I have learned so much about different things.  So nice to have a support network.  You are never alone!  You have all of us on here to talk to.

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Hi DG,

I can totally relate to you, well except the ADHD part. It sure has been a lifetime of not feeling right. At least its been very lonely and frustrating for me growing up. (depression, social, school, ect.) Medications can be lifesavers but sometimes they just dont work. I have given up on medications and am resorting to trying more exercise, herbal supplements, vitamins, yoga, writing. (fish oils are the best for ADHD, also l Theanine, b vitamins, Valerian root, 5-htp tr) just some helpful suggestions. This forum is a lifesaver if your going though benzo withdrawal like me. Its nice to hear what others have to say and to communicate with people online who have similar problems. The support is great! good luck with your medications. :thumbsup::)

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Many benzo sufferers have depression, agoraphobia, anxiety and cog fog all at the same time, which is a similar combination. Were your disorders diagnosed before benzos?


I like the idea of the natural methods although I'm currently more intrigued by changing the way we eat as opposed to adding supplements/herbs. I've been reading recently about adrenal fatigue and it makes the most sense to me out of everything I've ever heard. I also watched a movie called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead which demonstrates the healing power of food. If it were me I'd explore these things thoroughly before throwing my hands in the air.

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Was diagnosed with ADHD, depression and OCD before z drug use.  Anxiety and panic disorder came about more so after being on ambien for over 8 years.  Although, I am sure that I had all of these disorders way before I took a z drug.  I experienced a lot of this in my teen years.  I am taking fish oils and vitamins, but am staying away from any other supplement for now until I am completely free of z drugs.
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Hi Princezz,

Yes I did have all these disorders before I got on Klonopin. Klonopin helped with most of them but now withdrawal is making them (the disorders) worse.  I agree that diet has a huge impact on mental health. (glucose sugar, refined carbohydrates, pesticides, additives, the use of antibiotics ect.) All of these foods can affect health physically and mentally. The gut brain connection is a very interesting topic and found some great information about this on youtube. A lot of the foods we eat actually kill healthy gut bacteria and causes other health problems. Also, there are adrenal fatigue supplements at natural food grocery stores. Stress reduction can help heal the adrenals as well. Take care :):smitten:

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Hi Redeven,

Thanks for the support. Family is very important especially cause I'm alone all day every day :( Except for bb and my dog. take care.

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The way it was explained to me by many Doctors and health professionals is that there is a spectrum sort of. Some disorders overlap and feed into eachother? Does that make sense to you?


I hope you are working closely with your mental health professionals on this.


Especially in regards to the Major Deppressive Disorder. I never take someone who says they have major depression lightly. If you ever feel it overwhelms you and your ideas go into dangerous territory, (i believe the rules of the forum prohibit discussing these matters and that is why i mention this) you contact your mental health professionals/family/friends/911/hotlines/etc. And I hope that it does not reach that point.


~re-instated Klonopin 5 years ago. Tapering off 1mg Klonopin and 10 Mg Valium, and considering re-instating Straterra in the future.  History of Sleep Phase Disorder.

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Yes I do understand that some disorders overlap and feed into each other. Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand. ADD can exaggerate depression and anxiety and so forth. Thanks for your concern. I'm hanging in there. After withdrawal and when my sleep improves things should get better from there. :thumbsup:

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Yes I have multiple disorders,I have depression,panic disorder associated with generalized anxiety disorder,along with mood disorder. I,m a total mess and benzo wd to top it off,so ur not alone. Angel
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I understand what its like having these disorders. Completely debilitating sometimes. I'm so sorry you are going through a rough time with withdrawal. What kind of things make you happier or more comfortable? Hugs

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Ur gonna laugh,but I have some weird stuff,I personally don,t think it,s weird but my mom does,and my boyfriends kids with me about it,not in a rude way of course. Smart phones and computers make me saitisfied,but that's materialistic though.lol
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