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Bladder pressure/stomach bloating (no pain) - Is it a really a UTI or w/d sxs???


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I took the AZO home test to screen for a UTI twice now & both times it shows a trace which may or may not be an infection. I have Amoxicillin but I'm too afraid to take it. I read someone say it set them back after 10 months in w/d and took them another 3 months to recover. I don't have any pain, just a pressure on my bladder and the feeling like I have to go. I'm very bloated and the pressure is on my lower abdomen pushing on to my bladder. But like I said, I have no pain or burning. It's been 24 hours now since I started feeling this.


Is Amoxicillin even effective for a UTI? I know Bactrim is, but I've heard some pretty bad things about that as well as the usual warnings to stay away from Cipro. Can I get away with just water and super strength cranberry pills? Is it possible that this isn't even a UTI? Do you get bladder pressure as a symptom of w/d at almost 7 months out? I'm absolutely terrified of setting myself back by taking an antibiotic. I finally feel good after many months of suffering and I haven't taken anything this whole time, not even an aspirin.

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hi kate6 most uti will burn 2 days after infection sets inn at least for me have you gone to a doctor to be tested they will know for sure. if you dont feel better in 3 days i would  go see your doctor they can test the pee for bactiria it you have one and dont take the antibiotic you could risk kiddey damage and death hope it nothing and u feel better soon...kate7
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I have had many bladder infections since tapering began. I was given a shot of rocephin and then augmentin and was sure to drink tons of water and only take the meds with a meal. The AZo sticks are very accurate--if it turns purple quickly, then definitely go see your physician. Hope you feel better soon! .............T2
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So I guess this is definitely a UTI and not w/d? I have to take the Amoxicillin? I may not be able to get to the doctor to get a urinalysis. THe AZO test I know is accurate, however, it's not turning purple right away. It only shows a slight trace of purple and I've done it twice. I still have no pain. Just a whole lot of pressure.
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So after 48 hours, I still have no pain... Just a lot of pressure still in my entire stomach and lots of gas. I guess that's Benzo Belly? I don't know, I'm bloated all the time now. I can't help but think that the bloated feeling is sort of pushing on my bladder and causing me to feel as if I have a UTI.

As far as the AZO test shows, it is very accurate, yes, but I've read that most people will always show a "trace" amount. For me, that's what I've seen for 2 days and it's not a definite positive. It's supposed to be as accurate as one done at the doctor. (I currently have no medical insurance to have tests done)


As far as antibiotics go, I have Amoxicillin, but I am hesitant to take something that MAY affect my recovery (to me, that's any antibiotic - there's always a chance). I know Amoxicillin seems to be one of the safer ones that people don't report as many problems with, but I still can't help to think that I DON'T have an infection. If this "bladder pressure" is possibly a symptom of withdrawal, why should I even chance taking an antibiotic as a preventative and risk a set back or other symptoms such as yeast infections and the like? If Cipro and Bactrim are the 2 most commonly prescribed antibiotics for UTI's, and both are seriously questionable (Cipro is super strong & can cause nerve damage and Bactrim supposedly excites the central nervous system???) to take during Benzo withdrawal, what's left as an option if you DO have the infection?


I purchased something last night called Clear Tract which is a D-Mannose supplement. It's an all-natural alternative to antibiotics (no side effects whatsoever and is stronger than cranberry), used for UTI treatment and prevention. It can be purchased online thru Amazon (read reviews) or Vitacost.com - I got it at Whole Foods. I will keep everyone posted as it is supposed to provide relief within 48 hours and has about a 90% success rate. It's supposed to work even on a full infection with pain/burning, not just the onset of one.


If this turns out to work, I think this would be a Godsend alternative for Benzo sufferers who can't take antibiotics because of potential side effects/interactions and who may have, or are getting a UTI. Not to mention frequent UTI sufferers who become resistant to antibiotics, or those who want to take a natural approach.


God, I hope this works!!! :thumbsup:

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