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Ativan liquid taper - sleep problems - do I have to slow down towards the end?


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Hi dear BenzoBuddies!

I'm near the end of my taper and all went quite well on my liquid taper, but lately I'm having some symptoms again which I used to have in the beginning when I cut too fast. The main one is that some nights I wake up after an hour of sleep, all jittery and almost in panic (which I battle down) and then I'm unable to fall asleep for hours. When I finally do, I only sleep a restless sleep for two or three hours, sweating (normally I'm cold), and then at 7am I wake up and am fully awake and unable to fall asleep again.

Does anyone have something similar?

I'm not 100% sure it's the Ativan, could also be my adrenals but I don't think so.


Since I'm nearing the end of the taper (6 days to go), the cuts have become bigger percentually. Do you suggest to make them smaller? I'm on a 1.0 Ativan in 100ml solution, and am currently doing three times 3ml = 9ml, which amounts to 0.09 Ativan. I'm cutting 0.5ml per dose a day or 1.5 ml total which is about 17 % right now. That's the problem with small numbers, the lower you get, the higher the percentage.


I really want to get rid of the stuff... but not if I mess it up now towards the end. Should I slow down? Or am I thinking too much? Does it make a difference now?

Thanks for your comments!

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Satasha--I cut from .115 Ativan to .085 overnight and deeply regret it, as I'm sooooo symptomatic now.  Insomnia and anxiety over the top.  Also lost my appetite and feeling very ill and weak.  This stuff is potent!  I am now back up at .115 and still not feeling well :(  Haven't continued my taper--yet--but when I do, it will be verrrrrrry slow as my CNS is a mess right now.  So, yes, SLOW DOWN--you don't want to get stuck like I did!!!
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