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Propranolol for Akathesia??


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So I have come to understand that the "pacing" I am doing in the morning is a symptom called Akathesia.  I read online that Propranolol helps it.  I also have noticed that my BP is high when I have this symptom, so perhaps Propranolol will help?  Or another beta blocker?  Any advice on this medication??  Is it OK for benzo withdrawal?
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Angel did you have High BP/Akathesia or both??


No I don´t have High BP and I am not sure what Akathesia is exactly.  I was given it by my addictions doctor to help combat the palpitations and anxiety.



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Angel-Akathesia is when I have to pace around the house because of the nervous energy--I have to keep moving--it is like crazy anxiety.  I feel I can climb the walls.  I also have the heart palps.  Are you still on it?  Was it tough getting off?
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Oh I´ve paced a bit ... I didn´t know it had a name!


Yes still on 10mg, started on 40mg, but I had no problem reducing.  Am staying on the last 10mg for a while but according to my doctor I won´t have any problems getting off it.  Am comfortable on it, 10mg is so low according to the doc.  He will probably make me taper a bit.  Will let you know!


I know some say they have had bad experiences but I never have had.  It really calmed me down and made me feel human again.

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Angel--Did it help you sleep?  I only slept an hour last night!  Felt so revved up with adrenaline all night. I really hope I find a doctor who calls it in for me (my P Doc won't--he just prescribes AD and Benzos).  So now off to find a doctor...
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Pacing, as a result of anxiety or nervous energy, is something quite annoying!  For example, when you can't sit still, or feel the need to escape or feel like you need to move around to calm down.  I am suffering from this lately.  A good illustration, that fits me pretty darn close, but not as severe for me, is the video on the Wiki entry for Akathesia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akathisia  (Check out the guy standing and eating yogurt.)  I don't like sitting still to eat these days.  :)


As for propranolol (a beta blocker), it might lessen the symptoms or effects of anxiety.  But it does not reduce anxiety at all.  I took a beta blocker and found it make me feel worse.  And tapering off the beta blocker was a misery in and of itself.


Some people find it to be invaluable.  I found it unpleasant after being on it for a year, and continued to take it another 10 months before I had enough.

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Thank you.  I just need something to help my adrenaline/BP/Pulse calm down.  I am scared for my health and I am not sleeping at all.
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