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I take bad what I said about Sudogest


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Last week someone asked about taking Sudogest for a bad cold.  I was in the middle of a bad cold and had been taking Sudogest for about 4 days (2 - 3 pills/day).  I had no ill effects; in fact, it seemed to calm me down.  I slept very well and also napped. So I posted that I had no ill effects from Sudogest.  However, I stopped taking it last Friday and by Saturday afternoon I was beginning to feel antsy and my burning/tingling skin was getting worse - after a month of getting somewhat better.  Yesterday was a terrible day - one of the worst and I couldn't figure out what was causing my worst symptom to get so bad.  I finally figured out I was going through some kind of withdrawal of Sudogest.  I had also used Afrin for 3 days then off for 2 and back on for 3.  Those two decongestants were not a good idea.  Anyway, today I feel better - it's been 3 days since I took any and I don't think I would recommend that anyone in withdrawal take it.  Sorry if I led anyone astray on this,



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