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Need some encouragement and reassurance!


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Hi all,


I am currently going through a hell of a time.  I posted on here a few days ago about IBS issues and my fear of having an IBD like Crohns or Colitis.  After reading a bit more and watching my body closely over these past few days, I think I can rule out any paranoia I might have about the bowel issue thing.  The big sticking point for me was that a good portion of my discomfort is on my right side, which is the same as IBD's.  That said, I read more about the condition I have had for 15 years, IBS, and figured out that it's common for that to happen.  What's thrown me for a loop is that I've NEVER had constipation problems until the past few weeks.  Furthermore, the past few days I've been more tired than usual.  Moreover, I get this weird flushed feeling at night, but I should point out that I work as a butcher 8 hours a day in a freezer so that might explain that issue. 


Anyways, I guess the sticking point in my brain has been and continues to be, can I really be going through withdrawal after 6 months of Valium use?  My peak was 10mg and I tapered down to 2.5 before going cold turkey.  Furthermore,  I didn't take it everyday but usual a week on and a few days off.  From my understanding, anything over a month with a long-lasting benzo like Valium can screw your system up.  Part of me wants to get back on Valium, just to make this stop.  I am frustrated because it was seriously a full 12 days before I had ANY problems then they just came barreling forward without any warning.  My stomach has been the big issue with just about every problem from diarrhea and constipation to sharp pains and burning in my gut.  However, I am starting to get periods of time where everything feels...fake or distant.  What sucks most is that the entire reason I started taking the Valium, to stymie my TMJ induced Tinnitus, has come back with a vengeance.  I even hear the ringing over the fans at work sometimes! 


I just want to hear that everything's going to be okay and that I'm not losing my mind.  Like I said above, I have trouble believing that I am going through withdrawal after just six months of non-consecutive use but that seems to be the case.  Thanks!

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Hang in there Wire.  I think as long as you have been medically cleared there is a very good chance that this is benzo withdrawal.  Valium has a half life of around 300 hrs so its not crazy that issues might not come on for several days.  I have had ongoing gut issues as well after coming off klonopin.  Nothing as bad as what you are struggling with but the cells in the stomach and gut are very GABA receptor dense from what I have read.  I wish you the best and no, you are not crazy.  Crazy people don't ask that question : )


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Wire- You are probably going to get a lot of people who will respond to you on this, but I thought I would post this link for you.




This really helped me understand when I suddenly had withdrawal side effects out of the blue. With benzos, any regular usage, even non-daily, can set off a firestorm of symptoms. And with a longer-acting benzo like valium it is normal for it to take weeks for you to feel delayed withdrawal.


Just hang in there, and it might take some time, but all your symptoms will eventually pass. It's that way for all of us, and we're all here for you in the meantime. :)

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Hi wire,


I am so sorry that you are having GI issues and tinnitus.  That is certainly a double whammy!


From what I have read, GI complaints are common in benzo w/d.


I am sure you will hear from others who share your complaint.


Having said that, if your GI symptoms are bothersome and persist for longer than a few days, there is no harm in getting checked out by your doctor, if you have not already done so.


From what I understand, benzos should not be prescribed and/or taken for longer than 2 to 4 weeks.  I believe I developed dependency within  a few weeks after I started taking them and probably became tolerant within a few years.  I suspect that one can become dependent on a highly addictive drug even when taken intermittently.  


One of my symptoms of w/d is high anxiety and associated fears of physical illness secondary to strange body pains, aches, and alterations in perceptions.  I am astonished at how one little pill can magnify my fears by a power of one million!


I hope you feel better soon.  :) Hugs, KL

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I was taking Xanax for only three months and only .75 mg a day. I got bit pretty hard. Doctor said it depends on each person's metabolism. I have a lot of GI problems without benzos. Now my stomach is giving me fits like yours is. Having had colorectal surgery, I'm hypersensitive to it. I'm sure it'll pass though. Everything you've described sounds like symptoms I've had or have and I'm sure after a trip to the ER and several doctor's visits, it's all withdrawal and it will pass. Don't go back on them to relieve the symptoms. Tough it out and be done with it! Just my humble opinion... 8)
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