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Natural remedies for anxiety and jitteriness?


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Does anyone have any ideas for taking a natural supplement for anxiety and jitteriness?  I have heard of a few, but that they have side effects.  I would appreciate any feedback on this.  Thanks so much!
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Hi there!


I completed a 10 month taper and am now getting closer to being 2 months off.  I know that jittery/anxious feeling VERY well and I have it every day since jumping and taking my last dose.  I don't take anything for it...but have heard eating foods such as bananas, potatoes, cantaloupe and oranges have helped people w/ the anxiety issues.  Some people find taking a long shower can help clear their mind.  As funny as it sounds, I do yoga in the shower and for those 10 minutes I am fully able to shut out all the physical/mental feelings and relax.  There is a spray that people use called "Back Remedy".  I believe it's for mild anxiety so I'm not sure how well it would work.  But it is natural.  Practicing deep breathing techniques as well as meditating can help over time...not always easy to do I realize. 


Also, please browse through this post which can really help those with anxiety issues.  There are GREAT tips in this thread:




I hope something there can shed some light for you.  I read your introduction and you are doing VERY well.  It takes are bodies awhile to adjust to being off of Benzodiazepines.  Please know that as difficult as this is, you are going to heal and you'll see progress.  I was told to measure my progress not by days or weeks, but by months.  Because then you'll really notice the positive changes.


All the best to you,


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Hi Schatje-I have been reading your posts for a while now.  They are very helpful.  I will also try the things that have worked for you.  I WILL do anything at this point!  Jenn
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I god this book by Claire Weeks, "Hope and Help for Your Nerves." Written decades ago. Simple, old-fashioned, reassuring. When I'd get desperate I'd pick it up, open to any page, and read a few paragraphs. I'd also take a walk where no one would hear me and talk or curse out loud, such as "Stop it!!" My GABAs were a mess and no substance I knew of (except benzos) could calm them. The things that I found that helped only helped a little, for the most part. The goal is to make things bearable. Are you tapering or benzo free? If you're tapering, consider slowing your taper down if the anxiety is too much.
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Hi-Thanks for your suggestions.  I will definitely get the book.  I also plan to start walking again.  I live in a suburb of Phoenix, and it is still getting as high as 110 degrees here during the day and barely breaking 90 at night, so it will be another few weeks before I start walking again-something I have not done since getting on Klonopin 6 years ago, but had religiously walked 2 miles everday prior to that.  It usually starts to cool off nicely around the first of October (as much as it can cool off here!)  I was cold-turkeyed off of the Klonopin about 4 months ago.  I am barely functioning due to the anxiety, so I will take all the help I can get.  Jenn
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Hi Jen,


I think exercise is a great start. I'd start out slowly until you know how your body's going to react. Generally, it's a good idea to stat any exercise program slowly especially if you haven't been exercising for a while.


I just wanted to point something out about "natural remedies" ie) supplements. Keep in mind that even natural supplements can cause side effects and may not work well with some medications. I would speak to your doctor or pharamasist before taking anything...just to be sure there are no contraindications with anything else you're taking. Even supplements can be powerful.

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Hi Hope-Thanks for posting to me.  I absolutely agree that exercise is the answer.  Six years ago I thought that was the answer to everything!  I jumped out of bed every morning and walked a very brisk 2 miles (can't run because of back problems). I did that religiously for 20 years.  After everything that happened (I will blog about that soon) and I was put on Klonopin I stopped my walking.  I got my walking shoes out recently and look at them everyday.  I just have so much anxiety and internal jitteriness that I can't make myself go out the door.  Also, I live in a suburb of Phoenix and right now it is still as high as 112 degrees on some days, 105 on others, and not cooling down much at night yet, so the heat is a big factor for me right now.  It will start cooling nicely (in the 80's!) at night around 10/1, so I am aiming for  that date.  I live near a very nice large park which would be a great place to start, so I just have to do it, but I truly agree that will help me enormously.  I read on one of the blogs about vitamin B8 (I think that was it) would be good for anxiety, but I cannot find it anywhere.  I haven't hit any of the health stores yet-too anxious, but I will aim for it.  Again, thanks for your advice.  Jenn
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