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Restless Legs & Back pain


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My legs have been so restless each day and especially during the evening before I go to bed. It does get worse when I have a panic attack and hyperventilate, but other times the pain is there as well. I'm not sure if it is the withdrawal from the Benzo's or something else. I have been using bengay on my back & a heat pack that I warm up the microwave. I'm hoping that this pain ends soon. Please email me if you have had this experience before.


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Im wondering if when we are in full blown withdrawl if we need pain mmanagement? I never liked vicodin so that's no problem for me to take for pain when the time comes for me to be in full blown withdrawal, maybe someone has some insight on this I would like to no as well. When I went cold turkey my bones were killing me, and I think klonopin gave me symptoms of parkinsons when in withdrawal. I will ask about this.
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Thanks Rachie123. I called my psychiatrist about it, but he hasn't called me back yet. I am going to make an appointment with my family doctor, but I can't take any pain medication. I get really sick when I take vicodin, hydrocodone or any meds like that. The restless leg syndrome is the worst, it's like I move my legs around every time i sit up in bed or try to lay down. I have been using ice on my back and it seems to help. I think it's stress related. If you find out anything about this problem please let me know.




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