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Clonazepam: protracted withdrawal & Progesterone cream withdrawal


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I joined this forum hoping to get an advice about my complex situation.


My health: I have catamenial epilepsy (female cycle related) and progesterone deficiency.


My situation: About 18-20 months ago I was prescribed Clonazepam 0.5 mg for fear of flying/ anxiety "as needed". I have been taking it for about four or five months. Because of various life dramas "as needed" soon turned into 2-3 times a day or 2-5 pills a day. I became depressed, anxious, etc.At that time I also was trying a new anticonvulsant Keppra, for epilepsy. My GP told me to stop cold turkey both drugs. I stupidly agreed and stopped Keppra first. This was OK, and in one week I stopped Clonazepam cold turkey. I had absolutely hellish withdrawal syndrome for three months (seizures, panic attacks, fever, muscle spasms, psychosis, depression, etc etc etc... the worst are a fear of impending death and  loss of faith in God). Then I felt better but had protracted symptoms for at least six months. And then I decided to try Bioidentical Progesterone cream as a remedy for my catamenial epilepsy. I used it before and did not have any bad side-effects. This time I found that, after two weeks of using Progesterone cream, I am unable to stop it for two weeks as I am supposed to (female cycle). I decided to gradually reduce the dose of cream but found that I have the same withdrawal symptoms like with Clonazepam! I get seizures and panic attacks, and many others.


So here I am: Clonazepam-free after cold turkey stop; having epilepsy; needing Progesterone cream but unable to use it due to clearly GABA-effect similar to Clonazepam. I am now attempting gradually stop using Progesterone with the aid of Keppra. Keppra helps with seizures and depression thank God.

I don't have an access to a competent doctor here. My GP claimed that "there is no such a thing as benzo- withdrawal". I have access neither to a neurologist nor endocrinologist, alas - at least for now. Therefore I would appreciate any advice.


Should I discontinue Progesterone cream slowly or cold turkey?

What can be used for treatment of post-traumatic benzo- withdrawal which I am sure I have? (I developed terrible fear of death and depression; I am working on it with the help of psychotherapy but I am very damaged by horrors of withdrawal)


Thank you for your time.

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Hello Doublewave,


I feel so bad you had to go through a Cold Turkey. Did a Cold Turkey myself and it's not pleasent.


I'm not sure about the Progesterone cream. I'm a guy ;). There are plenty of members that have and do use it. Give them some time and I'm sure they will be by to greet you and give you some ideas.


You could also ask the Progesterone question at this link here  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?board=60.0 and start a new topic.


Be patient, everyone is here to help,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies,


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Hello BYBYMatrix,


Thank you for your reply.


>> Did a Cold Turkey myself and it's not pleasent.


Oh yes... espesially for a person with epilepsy. Frankly, I have no idea how I survived. However, my experince has one positive point: I suspect that Progesterone withdrawal will be easier )) .


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Hello BYBYMatrix,


Thank you for your reply.


>> Did a Cold Turkey myself and it's not pleasent.


Oh yes... espesially for a person with epilepsy. Frankly, I have no idea how I survived. However, my experince has one positive point: I suspect that Progesterone withdrawal will be easier )) .



You are an inspiration doublewave. :) I can't imagine what that could have been like as the withdrawals are bad enough as is.

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Hey doublewave,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies! I'm am so sorry you had to find out the hard way that benzos should not be stopped c/t. There's many members here who have gone c/t, so you're not alone. Ask any questions you may have. I'm glad you found us  :)

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