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Trying to find Benzo friendly doctor


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Hi. I’m in the midst of trying to taper klonopin. I went from 2.5 to 2 quite successfully but I’m also poly drugged. My current psychiatrist is trigger happy and does rapid tapering on my other psych drugs and I cannot even start focusing on continuing klonopin taper. I’m trying to find a doctor that is knowledgeable about poly pharmacy and will also support my tapering in a proper fashion (10% model).


It’s hard to find any out there and even so, many don’t have licenses in NY. I live in NYC and need a good prescriber.


Please assist. Thanks.



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Hi ccb,


I recently spoke to a doctor who gave me a list of doctors she thinks could help with benzo dependence. I have not gotten in touch with them as I am in Massachusetts right now and seeing a doctor here. I live in Brooklyn and may reach out to them when I get back. All this to say that I do not know how benzo-wise they are, but maybe you can do an internet search for reviews and call them to discuss your needs.








best of luck!!










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