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One minute at a time, I had to modify my usual mantra of one day at time.  I lived in denial, I kept thinking that I'd be the exception to the rule, it was pretty humbling to realize I couldn't laugh, lie, cheat, or talk my way out of this.
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Thats sort of what I'm struggling with..keep thinking that I'll be the one person who doesnt get better, then I tell myself thats rediculous, but then suddenly I come up with a rebutle. I dont know, if I could just get rid of my morning anxiety, I could deal with this no problem. But its like my body wakes up in a state of anxiety. Perhaps I need to eat something halfway through the night, but then im afraid I wont be able to fall back asleep lol.
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I've seen many, many talk about this morning anxiety.  The anxiety we have to endure during this recovery period is really difficult to deal with, and it's hard coming to terms with not knowing how long this is going to last or IF it's going to leave.  But too many before us have confirmed that indeed it does leave.  I think the doubts and racing thoughts and fears about recovering are so normal.  I have conversations with myself about this all the time.  I think, I'm never going to heal!  Maybe this is just the "real me" and this anxiety (and everything else) is something I'll be stuck with.  Then rational brain says, no, that's ridiculous, you're still well within the timeframe for healing and you're not the only one to feel this way at this time off.  Back and forth the conversation goes.  lol


This definitely is not a forever thing and we will heal.  Very hard to deal with in the meantime, but Pamster is right that we must take it one minute, one hour, one day at a time and we will get past all of this. 

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I hate to say it, but it's been a real struggle.  Month 7 I got hit pretty hard (all symptoms flaring including anxiety, ugh), and am just recently seeing some of that ease.  If I compare myself to the early days, I do know I've come far, overall, and am having more moments of peace and clarity than I've had in years, so I know this is a good sign.  Yesterday my physical symptoms and pain were quite low...lower than they have been in quite some time.  Now today is a hard day again and anxiety is here, but I'm able to cope better these days. 


Takes some of us a bit longer to heal, but is such an individual thing and can be so up and down.  For me I was on Paxil for 13 years and the benzo 2.5, so I'm not surprised it is taking me longer to heal.  I just keep trying to remind myself I'm healing every day, even when it doesn't feel like it.  This can be quite the rollercoaster ride.  ;)  But please know that these issue can resolve faster for some people.  You may find your anxiety easing much faster than you think, and I hope that is the case for you. 


This process really tries our patience.  6-18 months is a general timeframe of healing in this, as I'm sure you've heard.  Some people heal faster, some take a bit longer, but I believe we'll all get there, and I think we're all learning a lot about ourselves and life as we battle this. 

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I just posted on another member's blog about how quite often we all feel everyone will heal but us. I have felt that way alot in my recovery, it is completely normal. I have also noticed many people feel the same way, sometimes they just won't admit it.


You will heal. :) We all will get there...in time..



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Hi Defaulted,


I'll share some of the things I use to manage my anxiety.  These do really help me:


Pray or meditate.  I do deep breathing at the same time.  I spend 10 to 30 minutes doing this, esp on mornings when I wake with anxiety.  Spiritual beliefs and this prayer/meditation has gotten me thru countless tough times.


Strum my guitar, or sing.  Somehow it takes my mind off the anxiety.


Exercise.  I think this is great for what seems like a physical anxiety response, when there seems to be no thought associated with it. I go out for a walk around a few blocks at least.  If I can go 10 minutes to an hour, the longer the better. 


Talking to someone about it.  This forum is a good example.  I've called my friends or family countless times, and it helps.  In a way, the spiritual aspect is just talking to a higher power, its like the friend who is always there.


Get off caffeine.  That stuff really sets my anxiety off!


Books on anxiety have really helped me.


Lastly, I learned from my counselor to stop and figure out what thought I've had that sets off my anxiety.  Then she taught me to ask myself "is this thought true?"  and "is this thought helpful?"  Usually, the negative thought that sets off anxiety in me is either not true, or not helpful, or both.  This helps me discard that thought , like some excess baggage that I don't need. 






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Thanks for some of the tips, I do most of those (except pray as I'm not religious lol) meditating is hard for me but I try..my anxiety is more of a physical symptom..as in there isn't really anything that triggers it, its just constantly present. Some days are better than others. I wish there was a psychological cause, because then I could work on it! Lol

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