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alchohol setbacck


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I am 9 months off yesterday I as having  beautuful window where I felt almost healed. I drank a beer and a half and was fine yesterday and was fine this morning. Now im in the worst wave I have had in weeks. The dpdr is back with fear etc. I feel like im going crazy. Does this mean im back at square 1?
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I doubt it, just a little setback.


But if I was you I would stay off alcohol until you're completely healed. No alcohol just because you're having a window.

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how long do you reckon? horrible mistake on my part


The brain is pretty unpredictable, I really don't know. But it was just one beer, so with al little rest I'm sure you will be fine soon. Also you're 9 months off, it could also be just time for another wave.


It was just a little mistake, Im sure it didn't disrupt your healing.


But I would really stay off alcohol, as it works on GABA.


Your mental health is so much more important than having a beer 🙂.

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Ya im already starting to feel better compared to how bad it waas earlier. Its hard im 24 years old. Wanna be a normal young adult and ejoy life. I guess il just have to wait another year.
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A lot of people don’t even think about drinking at all. You can still have fun and not drink. If you find it getting harder to stay away from alcohol I would suggest AA. Should try it it’s not what you think it is. A lot of good/smart people in AA. Good for networking too
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I thought I could have a beer with my steak not like I was trying to get drunk. Never had a drinking problem just wanted to be normal and free.
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I thought I could have a beer with my steak not like I was trying to get drunk. Never had a drinking problem just wanted to be normal and free.


Completely understandable and totally healthy and normal.


Just wait a little longer till you're all healed 🙂

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10-4. I’ve spoke with you about alcohol before and seen you post about alcohol before and wanting to be able to drink. That’s why I commented.



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Zesty, a 24 year old wanted to enjoy a beer is perfectly normal. I hardly think AA is necessary. Jesus, we are not talking a bottle of vodka here. People have lives.


OP, you'll be fine in a few days I should think. Most people say an alcohol setback seems to last anywhere from a day or 2, to a couple of weeks

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Yeah even if you smoke crack in moderation guess you be fine.


Probably better off than if you took benzos

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Alcohol is the equivalent of benzos in liquid form. It affects the same the GABA receptors. That's why the withdrawal from it is quite the same as benzos but doesn't last that long. Sooo when the desire to drink comes remember this fact!



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Perfectly normal for a 24 year old to want to enjoy a beer with steak. 


He's seen that at this time it's not a good idea. and talks about waiting another year.  Doesn't seem to have a 'problem' to me. 


Not a good idea to create problems where there aren't any.



False equivalency to compare crack with alcohol, Zesty. 


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Just to further add fuel to this fire: I was brought  up in France. We drink wine. Now I live in the Willamette Valley in OR. We drink wine. I like to drink wine. It's not The Devil's Potion, give me a break.


However on my taper, I laid off the wine. Didn't want to further confuse my GABA receptors. About a year after my taper was over, I started cautiously with 1 oz of wine, then 2, then half a glass etc. No problems. I didn't turn into a werewolf or howl at the moon. Now I drink a glass of wine with dinner. I don't need to go to AA or Confession. I love wine and was damned if my benzo misadventure would rob me of something I loved.


I think a 24 year old can have a beer when his taper is over, after maybe waiting a while. Only he will be able to tell if it's okay or not. If it's not okay, then it's not . . . but I'm guessing it will be okay.


zesty . . . chill. Evidently you're talking about  yourself.  :laugh: Mice, I think you're doing the same thing. Stop being so prescriptive, you guys! Everyone's different. Duh . . . I think we all know about the benzo/alcohol similarity. But why is it that "some ppl" just HAVE to tell others what to do? Huh? Maybe keep your teetotalling remarks to yourselves. They're not helpful.





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You guys are getting mad at me right and supporting alcohol? What is this twitter. Everyone does know that 7-14 drinks a week is alcoholism and more than 4 drinks/beers a day is alcohol abuse. It isn’t the 80s or 90s science. Your body does not like alcohol. Yes I am indeed an alcoholic. I’m probably the most credible on this topic. When someone says I want to be normal and drink beer..it makes me want to say something. In society it might be normal. If you want your body in optimum shape it’s not normal. So you drink one beer and throughs you into a wave. Is it worth it? Also what do you think AA is? You think it’s a bunch of bums sitting around talking? I’m in DC y’all would be surprised if you knew who all is in my home group. The ones who try to deny the hell out of alcohols effects are the ones who have an issue. But you guys just keep status quo. Same people upset are same people who needed benzos. Which is the pill form of alcohol. I’m not hating because I’m abstinent. I wish I could drink my 8 beers a night everyday. But it affects everything. It’s a cunning and baffling drug. So much so that the same people I’ve been super nice to you and thankful for are talking shit to me trying to stand up for a drug that without hesitation will sneak up on you and ruin your life.
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You guys are getting mad at me right and supporting alcohol? What is this twitter. Everyone does know that 7-14 drinks a week is alcoholism and more than 4 drinks/beers a day is alcohol abuse. It isn’t the 80s or 90s science. Your body does not like alcohol. Yes I am indeed an alcoholic. I’m probably the most credible on this topic. When someone says I want to be normal and drink beer..it makes me want to say something. In society it might be normal. If you want your body in optimum shape it’s not normal. So you drink one beer and throughs you into a wave. Is it worth it? Also what do you think AA is? You think it’s a bunch of bums sitting around talking? I’m in DC y’all would be surprised if you knew who all is in my home group. The ones who try to deny the hell out of alcohols effects are the ones who have an issue. But you guys just keep status quo. Same people upset are same people who needed benzos. Which is the pill form of alcohol. I’m not hating because I’m abstinent. I wish I could drink my 8 beers a night everyday. But it affects everything. It’s a cunning and baffling drug. So much so that the same people I’ve been super nice to you and thankful for are talking shit to me trying to stand up for a drug that without hesitation will sneak up on you and ruin your life.


I don't think anyone is disputing the fact that alcoholism is bad for you. I know plenty of alcoholics that have been in a bad way. I just think suggesting someone that wants to have an occasional beer or glass of wine with a meal needs AA is it bit much, and as for comparing a beer with crack..... Well....


We all have our views on it, I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree

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You guys are getting mad at me right and supporting alcohol? What is this twitter. Everyone does know that 7-14 drinks a week is alcoholism and more than 4 drinks/beers a day is alcohol abuse. It isn’t the 80s or 90s science. Your body does not like alcohol. Yes I am indeed an alcoholic. I’m probably the most credible on this topic. When someone says I want to be normal and drink beer..it makes me want to say something. In society it might be normal. If you want your body in optimum shape it’s not normal. So you drink one beer and throughs you into a wave. Is it worth it? Also what do you think AA is? You think it’s a bunch of bums sitting around talking? I’m in DC y’all would be surprised if you knew who all is in my home group. The ones who try to deny the hell out of alcohols effects are the ones who have an issue. But you guys just keep status quo. Same people upset are same people who needed benzos. Which is the pill form of alcohol. I’m not hating because I’m abstinent. I wish I could drink my 8 beers a night everyday. But it affects everything. It’s a cunning and baffling drug. So much so that the same people I’ve been super nice to you and thankful for are talking shit to me trying to stand up for a drug that without hesitation will sneak up on you and ruin your life.


Nobody is talking shit about you. The point was that he just wanted to have a beer, just being young. That's healthy and normal. He made a mistake in taking it to early in his recovery, that was just it.


Having some alcohol now and then isn't a problem I think, it's all about balance. Nobody was talking about binge drinking in this topic.


For myself, I'm never touching alcohol again. I drink way too much as a 15 year old. It was one of the factors that led to my nervous breakdown.


It's good to make people aware of the dangers of alcohol, but talking about AA for a kid who just wants to be young and enjoy life was a bit too much, that was all.

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Ya well i learnt my lesson. This wave is awful feels like im back at month 3 eventhough im in month 9. Whatever hopfully I heal eventually.
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Ergonkatz, I'm first generation Spanish descent immigrants and born in Argentina one of the main wine producers, so wine is in my genes too. I had to reinstate after two years off due mainly to have taken a supplement and mistakenly think that I was already healed. I was already started to drink wine in moderation. I don't blame it for my set back but I was progressing drinking more than I should, probably in revenge for those years that I missed it. When you brake your leg it takes time to heal. You don't want to run right away and some won't get it totally healed. So moderation is the key. We just have to be aware that wine is good and healthy to drink but as other more dangerous drinks has alcohol and that's the devil that can affect your healing. Awareness was the intention in my comment. 


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Okay, Mice. I hear you. Spanish? Cool.


But zesty:


Yes I am indeed an alcoholic.


Uh huh. But not everyone else is, or will become one. I still maintain you are transparently talking about yourself and your fears. Maybe give it a rest? And lose the evangelism. It isn't a good look. And it's sooooooo tiresome.




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Ergonkatz, I'm first generation Spanish descent immigrants and born in Argentina one of the main wine producers, so wine is in my genes too. I had to reinstate after two years off due mainly to have taken a supplement and mistakenly think that I was already healed. I was already started to drink wine in moderation. I don't blame it for my set back but I was progressing drinking more than I should, probably in revenge for those years that I missed it. When you brake your leg it takes time to heal. You don't want to run right away and some won't get it totally healed. So moderation is the key. We just have to be aware that wine is good and healthy to drink but as other more dangerous drinks has alcohol and that's the devil that can affect your healing. Awareness was the intention in my comment. 


Oh no im sorry to hear that. What supplement did you take? and how long did it take you to heal that first time?

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It was L-theanine. Took it for a week and then PUM! It put me on acute after stop it. This site https://www.benzoinfo.com/medications-and-supplements/#supplements gives you a very comprehensive list of supplements and substances that may be problematic. I'm doing relatively ok. Reinstatement is a very bad word on this site but is the horror stories and the obsession to this drug that sometimes influence us in a bad way too. 
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It was L-theanine. Took it for a week and then PUM! It put me on acute after stop it. This site https://www.benzoinfo.com/medications-and-supplements/#supplements gives you a very comprehensive list of supplements and substances that may be problematic. I'm doing relatively ok. Reinstatement is a very bad word on this site but is the horror stories and the obsession to this drug that sometimes influence us in a bad way too.


I stopped L-theanine after mega dosing for years 2 weeks back


It hasn't been the nicest 2 weeks of my life. Pure terror and hell

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