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Is this benzo belly and what can I take?


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I have been have icky feeling in stomach and also having drainage and ibs. Is this benzo belly and what can I take for it. I’m not eating as much either and also my stomach is hurting.
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Sounds like "benzo belly".  I take Mirtazapine (Remeron) 7.5 mg 1X/day.  This drug has an anti-emetic properties which can help with nausea.


Be aware, though, this drug can cause a lot of drowsiness and weight gain.  It also has to be tapered off like other A/Ds.


Just an idea.

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Thanks for the response! I don’t  think I want to get on something else that I have to taper off of but I so appreciate you responding!
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Hi Redbird.  Have you tried an over-the-counter PPI like Nexium?  I took that when I needed to during withdrawl and it really helped.  OTC Benadryl has some anti-emetic properties as well and you could try a low dose of it for the nausea.  Small, frequent meals are easier to tolerate than large ones.
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Ugh, I have had IBS for years!  I know how you feel.  If you have stomach cramps, a heating pad and some ginger ale or ginger tea in a quiet room (if possible) always works for me.  I also eat the BRAT diet during these flares.  BRAT- Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast.  Just don't put to much into your body but fluids and a bland diet.  You can get a prescription for Zofran for nausea if you have that.  If you have a PCP who is willing to prescribe it. 

I hope you feel better!

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