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LDN -Low dose Naltrexone


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Has anyone had any luck with this recently? I see older posts regarding LDN, but don’t see any recent posts? I have been in total hell for almost six months due to a wave or who knows what’s going on anymore…. I had Botox for Trigeminal Neuralgia and haven’t been right since. I am in worse shape than I have ever been as I cannot leave the house and spent more than a month in the hospital. I don’t seem to be reacting well to the Gabapentin I’m on, but it also helps me in some ways and not in others. I don’t know what to do. I am kindled a couple of times and am beyond sensitive to everything. I haven’t showered in weeks as I react to all soaps and shampoos I’ve tried. I’m desperate for some relief, but am afraid to try anything, but don’t know what else to do, so am considering LDN. I would love to hear of some experiences. Thank you.
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