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Is it true SSRI improve sleep if taken for a couple of months?


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Has anyone had sleep issues after finishing their benzo taper and then tried SSRIs?


My question is, after a couple of months on SSRIs, do they reduce insomnia problems?


If so, which SSRI have you taken?


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I was thinking, your are still finishing your taper.

It took months after my taper was over before my sleep started getting better by using meditation and over the counter stuff.

Since our paths are so similar, you might enjoy reading my week by week thread I started just after my taper finished.

You can find it in my signature.


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I was thinking, your are still finishing your taper.

It took months after my taper was over before my sleep started getting better by using meditation and over the counter stuff.

Since our paths are so similar, you might enjoy reading my week by week thread I started just after my taper finished.

You can find it in my signature.



Thank you, Bob.  I appreciate that very much.  I have found many of your posts to be helpful and I look forward to reading your week by week thread. 

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