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37 no pill anxiety


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I am having anxiety today.  I ran out of wine last night and didn't want to go get some.  I feel better this morning without it and hope I can quit.  I had anxiety without the pills and liquor.  I quit the traz yesterday as it was making me feel like throwing up taking it with alcohol. The aa meetings and Na is helping.

I am just afraid I will panic without no pills or liquor.

I slept 12 hours last night with only one sleepeze and melatonin.

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Great work with not drinking wine last night and taking only melatonin and sleep-eze Dom81!  I'm glad you are feeling better today.  Getting busy helped those fears diminish for me so I suggest that for you today.
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hey dom81, dont reach back to benzos or z drugs, idk about alcohol just that is not recommended try not to binge mate alcohol is terrible too, just never get back to benzos and z drugs, move on away from it because each time is worst... congrats on your efforts bro
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O woke up at 2am with anxiety and only slept 4 hours


I am exhausted and can't sleep right without sleeping pills or tradonze.  I am going to have to stay up all night.

My brother is doing better. 

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Dom, don't start taking the Restoril again.  It might be worse than the last time with the interdose and tolerance w/d. 
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Thanks for your replies.  I can't get the restoril I don't think.

I had anxiety and panic this morning.  I had to have some wine.  I woke up at 430am and I have been exhausted all day.

I have been off the trazadone 4 days.  I have real bad indigestion all the time and feel like throwing up all the time.


I just want the insomnia to go away.

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Your indigestion, anxiety, panic and insomnia are withdrawal symptoms from the benzodiazepine and when you recover these symptoms should all go away, won't it be nice when you're no longer a slave to those pills?  You won't have to worry about disappointing your family, you won't have to go to that doctor and beg for pills, you'll be able to hold your head high because you beat the pills, the pills didn't beat you.
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Thanks pamster.  I woke up at 2am.  I kept waking up every hour all night and going back to sleep.  I am not sure icam anxious.  I took one sleepeze last night.  50 days nopills.  My family are glad I am off the restoril and traadonz.  I just want to slep normal and be free from anxiety like when I was 18.

Thanks all

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I meant 40 days no pill.  I took some sleepze at 4am and gave me extreme indigestion I feel like throwing up.

I want to go to sleep.  My brothers Girlfriend is still mad and hasn't let me stay in 2.5 months.  My brotheris recovering from a stroke.


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I'm sorry to hear about your brother but glad he's recovering. 


Something I learned when I got sober was it took awhile for my family and friends to trust me again, I had to earn it back and that doesn't happen overnight.  When your family, and your brothers girlfriend see you putting your life back together because you're free from drugs and alcohol they'll slowly start to trust you again.  Words won't work but action will and if you show them you've turned your life around they'll start welcoming you into theirs. 


If you stay away from the Restoril and alcohol your symptoms will slowly fade and you'll be free from them, you'll be able to think more clearly so you can start making important life decisions.  Keep  your eye on this future and you'll get through this.

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Thanks I hope they let me stayvagain.  I an upset at my sister as she took off on a flight yesterday and didn't tell me until today.  I had some anxiety this morningband almost drank some wine this morning.  I took a sleepease abe can't sleep.

I am upset cause I cant call my sister much when she is gone.


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