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Effexor Warning


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Be wary of any doc recommending Effexor as a “comfort med” while tapering off of a benzo. Effexor has its own, potentially very grueling, taper. Just google it and you’ll see the dizzying list of side effects due to an Effexor taper, and compound the fact that it could take you up to a year to complete it!


My doctor put me on (without warning me of this), which is especially disheartening considering he knew what I was going through trying to get off Klonopin. He never mentioned the taper off Effexor would be: a). this difficult and b). Take this long.


You’d think these docs would understand considering we went to them for help to get off one toxic drug. I trusted my new doc’s recommendation completely because he was a “benzo wise” doc. So much for that.

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You can not take any thing to help with the w/d. Only time is the healer. It has taken me along time going on 8 years but now I am back in school and working part time. You do heal it just takes more time than I would have ever imagined.
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