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Hello how are you? Today I am 10 months without benzodiazepines, currently I feel normal and well. My only symptoms are:


insomnia (I sleep 3, 4 or 5 hours at a time and then get up and go back to sleep) Today I think I slept 5:30 hours straight, prolonged, without interruptions, but they are waves, there are days that I sleep 3 hours or 4 hours and so on....


muscle tremors or muscle spasms, very little, and they don't bother me, they last a few seconds.


I think I have tinnitus but it lasts 8 seconds and I feel fine now, it doesn't bother me either.


and the diarrhea that I have once a month, which is quite normal.


the acne spots continue, I think because I'm not getting enough sleep, and because the slow wave phase of my brain is still in recovery and I don't generate enough collagen in the skin, it's my theory, maybe it's because of other things.


In conclusion, I'm fine, everything is tolerable. I clarify that I do not exercise and I drink 2 cups of tea a day (breakfast and snack) and I almost always take naps.

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