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Inner restlessness, anyone else?


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Hello all, I'm almost 2.5 months off of a Detox of 22.5mg  Valium. Some symptoms have lessened, like dizzyness, wobbly legs and migraines. But other symptoms have emerged or are getting stronger.


My main concern now is severe inner restlessness. I stays with me everyday and I can't find a break from it. It seems to be connected with very high tensions in my body. I'm very tired but can't rest.


Other symptoms: insomnia, racing thoughts, sensory disturbances (the shower hurts, light is too bright, noise too loud, body feels strange), brain zaps, anxiety, DP/DR, nerve pains, nausea, severe inner tensions, burning skin, tinnitus.


I might have forgotten a few, but the inner restlessness makes that I can't rest for a moment, and I so need that. I also feel very nauseated in my head with brain-zaps. I have to lay down a lot now.


Yesterday it got so bad with all the symptoms that I thought I might loose control. I think about taking Valium a lot but I know it is not the solution.


Maybe someone who has experienced this can tell me if this will go away. I'm afraid and don't know what to do.


Thanks, Pecoro.



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i had all those, and more, severe restlessness,  what i call as inner akhatisia plus agony or chemical terror, a mix of everything,  something really hard to endure, at 3 months i noticed a little of improovment,  nothing muchz at 6 and 7 months off besides of a good decraese i would fear the next day at evenings because of so much... it will get better/easier  keep doing what yourl doing(surviving) , hopefully other folks will chime in
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I had the same problem. I was so restless and extremely nervous, and wanted to crawl out of my own skin. Sometimes I just wanted to scream mayday, mayday! I tried to read, but I couldn't focus.


But I have read many posts about this, so it seems to be part of the recovery. I hope you feel better soon.  :)

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yes i have the same exact feeling. but i didnt used benzos for a year. i think benzos are safe for rare and occasional use.i mean.a bottle of some low potent benzos per 5-6monthuse. i have the same exact inner restlessness,but i think the ativan caused it in your case,thats a strong benzo,valium isnt that strong. but depends on ppl,we arent the same
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Hey there

Yep had all that! The inner restlessness (akethesia) was at its worst for me at 2 months off.

The person that said "mayday mayday", yep.....I screamed " I need out!! I need out right now. I need out of my body right now"!!

It SUCKED!! But it did definitely go away for me by 4 months. Most of the other stuff got better too. And by 6 months off I only had the debilitating nerve pain and muscle weakness.

But all that other stuff, the noise to loud, light too bright, the brain zaps, the nausea......it all cleared out around 4- 6 months for me

Everyone is different, but the point is that it may go away for some faster than others.... But it can  go away!!!!!


Just keep going!! :smitten:

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And I can't talk to other people. I'm talking too fast, and so nervous. And they probably think I'm hysterical. My inner voice is screaming run!
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Hi Deniz, Translator, Platoon and SouthernBelle, thanks for your replies and support, I really need it now. Yesterday I was feeling so much sensory disturbances that I started to read a lot on BB and the Internet about detox-c/t and recovery, and I encountered some pretty scary stories. I know I shouldn't do that but I was looking for some confirmation that I was going to be allright. Instead of finding relief I became very anxious.


So now my anxiety about my situation has ramped up considerably to the point that I am in a constant state of fear and have waves of anxiety going through my body even when I try to distract myself. I can barely hold on and worst-case scenario's are going through my head.


This comes on top of all the other symptoms that I have.


I'm worse now than I was a week ago, and that makes me even more anxious, the fear that I am not going to heal takes over.


How can my CNS get so revved up in month 3?


Thanks again for your help, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

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you will heal brother,personal experience! i thought the same,the sensory disturbances arent problem for me anymore,it was terryfing,just like everything. the inner restlessness also kills me along with the DPDR. but 2-3month and it'll be fine i guess,i slept almost good tonight even if i didnt felt the sleep at all,but i did. and the drunk feeling is also there
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How can your cns be this bad in month 3?

Because it's only month 3!  I know that it seems like forever but 3 months is really not in this situation. Basically at this point you are just making it through each day, sometimes each hour or minute.

It is absolutely horrible, and no human should ever have to suffer this much!. But take it from me......we make it!!!!

I am considered to be a very worst case CT/rapid, and I still made it! You can too! I'm not exactly sure how we do ....but we do

It was survivable for me and tons of others. Even though at the time I could NOT believe that I would ever get better.

But I am!

Please keep going, use BB for support and resources, but don't go looking at stories.

Use it for resources to maybe help support you with the most debilitating symptoms, see how others survived them.

And be kind and patient with yourself.

Much love  :smitten:

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Hi SouthernBelle and Platoon, thanks again for reaching out. Your replies give me strength and I have read them many times. I hope you are doing well.


Thanks again, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

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I so agree. 3 months isnt very long in benzo wd.

Every symptom you mentioned is, unfortunately, normal. Always keep in mind the basics of benzo wd. Benzos work on a specific part of your brain. The amygdala is our "Fear Center." It causes the "fight or flight" thing. So when you take the benzos OUT of the amygdala, all hell can break loose. You have gaba receptors all throughout your body, so almost any sort of symptom can occur. The brain will heal itself, and does NOT need anything to interfere with this, by taking,  perhaps, a supplement or making a diet change None of those will change how quickly and well you heal.

The human brain is pretty amazing. It can repair itself even after a brain injury, like a stroke, or benzo wd. There is NO good evidence that permanent brain damage can happen after benzo wd. If so,  I'd have a seriously damaged brain! Good heavens, I took huge benzo doses every night for thirty years. Yikes! But here I, am with a brain that functions a whole lot better than it was when I took all those damn benzos. I can honestly tell you that thirty years of benzos wrecked both my physical and mental health. The sad thing about this is that THIS nurse had NO idea benzos could do this. That came as a real shock to me. I wasnt told this in college, and nor did I hear it in a 30 year history of being an RN. I worked in an acute psych unit and also in a detox. I NEVER sas told how horrific benzo wd can be for some people.




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Hello Eastcoast62 thanks for reaching out! SouthernBelle what is an OG please?


The inner restlessness and anxiety are eating me alive these days. I don't know what to do anymore and am afraid I lose control over it. I want to crawl out of my skin. I'm 3 months out now and some symptoms seem to have lessened but this restlessness (mental akathesia?) is ramping up.


With it come panic and anxiety and sometimes I get so detached from my surroundings I think I'm losing my mind.



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Hey Pecoro,

An OG is just a slang term for "original gangster" but can me more like an "old school person" or someone who has been around a while. I was just using it as enduring term since she has been around a while and knows what she's talking about. :smitten:


I'm so sorry the akethesia is still hardcore for you.

What things are you doing to try and get through it?

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Hi SouthernBelle, thanks for explaining. I try to distract as much as I can, but if I do too much it seems to backfire. I take walks, I do the groceries, I cook and sometimes I meet a friend.


There really seems to be a pattern now with the mornings being particularly bad, and the late afternoon symptoms clear up a bit, and evenings I sometimes feel much better.


Sleep also seems to improve, but I still wake up every night in terror and anxiety lasting until morning and into the day.


Thanks again for reaching out, Pecoro.  :thumbsup:

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Inner restlessness? At 5 years out - still can't sit still (as least for long). I walk almost every day and it helps to calm me down because I get so exhausted from it. I'm not saying it's easy- it isn't because I am in deep brain fog and my eyesight is foggy and I have high pitched ringing in my ears and the strange sensation that my feet aren't touching the ground - so I play music loud in my earbuds and just try to focus on the beat and feel my legs moving to it. And, guess what - it has its benefits because I am now in decent aerobic shape. Hate to reveal to you that I'm 5 years out - it definitely can be different for you and I hope it is... Just my two cents...
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