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Sleeping pill


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Trying to get off of Klon -- What would be the best sleeeping pill to wean off of.  I know It's a dumb question, but can I get some answers.  Also looking for pills that don't make you feel drowgy in the morning.


Unfortuneatly I may need a sleeping pill.  I had an issues a while back where I get 2 hours of sleep every other night.  Thanks

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We don't typically recommend z-drugs because they're as bad as benzo's.  I started taking Ambien after my cold turkey and I quickly developed dependence, horrific interdose withdrawals and it prolonged my recovery from the Klonopin until I stopped taking it cold turkey.  It also gave me the darkest and scariest thoughts I've ever had, so please think long and hard about making the same mistake I did.
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If you absolutely HAVE to take something for the insomnia (I know a lot of people who rarely slept but maybe 1-2 hours every 2-3 nights, including myself), I would honestly say to try something natural like melatonin, or even Unisom might not be as bad as going right to something like Ambien.
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Same boat as you with the K (currently down to 0.09mg day and 0.11mg at night and insomnia is still a MF-er ocassionally out of the blue)...


I have a couple of things I use (not every night but according to my symptons),

1. Every night - chamomile tea (though I'm going to switch to liquid drops so I don't have to drink as much tea and then pee in the middle of the night)

2. On occasion if I its like 1am and I'm still not asleep - Bach Rescue Sleep (I'm a big dude so I take 2 of the liquid melt caps)

3. On occasion before sleep if I feel restless- California Poppy tincture (I take 1-2ML because as I'm said I'm a big dude)..

4. On occasion if its like 2am and I'm still not asleep - Aquilea Melatonin/Cali Poppy/Passion flower/Valerian - I got this one imported because my step mother also had a K dependence and swears this alone helped her get off of it [nobbc]https://www.sweetcare.com/aquilea-sleep-1-95mg-melatonin-p-014179uq?country=us&curr=usd&st=01&gclid=Cj0KCQiAu62QBhC7ARIsALXijXRmwlU5jRqJM-oAMEjOKO-u_t1_pD-2B3oLjm-630UpPAIOjIDMc60aAvHxEALw_wcB[/nobbc]

5. On rare ocassion - Unisom (though I hate the next day feeling it leaves), I avoid this one as much as possible...

6. Every night - Magnesium Glycinate 450mg


I try to get some excercise at least everyday early as possible. Coffee only 1 cup in the morning. Stimulant like Ginger tea as well only in the morning (helps with the days when sleep is shit).

If you get issues with Insomnia as well its most likely you are tapering too fast... like me... so I'm going to go into a holding pattern starting today...


Edit: Deactivated commercial link.

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I got on BB just in time to read Pamster's account of Ambien setting her back. I had just been prescribed Ambien myself (amazing now in retrospect, a doctor would do that knowing my problem was trying to come off Alprazolam) and only took it 3 nights and threw them away. I am using sleepy time extra at night, a 20 minute soak in epson salt before bed (or use magnesium spray oil) and rebuilding my circadian rhythm by being outside in morning light, no sunglasses, and looking at light (yes the sun!) and NOT looking at phone, computer or TV after 8;30 -9. Dim the lights to as low as possible as you approach bedtime. spray my bedding with lavender and vanilla spray. Change sheets every 2-3 days. Lots of quilts to make a heavy, nerve soothing topper. I know it sounds hokey but its been helping me a lot. good luck!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ambien is what started my decade-long polydrugging nightmare...so I definitely would not recommend Z-drugs. Of course, no doctor ever told me they acted like benzos. I saw a LOT of doctors and specialists over the years and not a single one ever raised an eyebrow to all the meds I was on. Makes me angry.... Anyway, as i taper, I am using melatonin, and also chamomile tea (it has apigenin - great for the brain). I also started taking my D3 at night, combined with K2(MK-7). People tend to think "don't take vitamin D at night, it will disrupt your sleep." But that's not the case. Vitamin D3 isn't even really a vitamin, it's a hormone...and it stores up in your body. I highly suggest getting outside and exposing yourself to the morning and evening sunlight, for the NIR (near infrared). Only 5% melatonin is secreted from your pineal gland and circulates your body to make you sleepy. If your circadian rhythm is messed up, I would start there. Get the sun's NIR (morning/evening) - and not through a window...needs to be direct. The red light needs to go through your eyes and hit that ganglia. NIR is the invisible light...the rest of the visible light is what hits the rods and cones in that back of your eyeball, sending the message through your pineal glad to the back of your brain. Invisible light stops at the pineal gland - that's what you need. It also goes right into your cells, into the mitochondria and makes 95% of your melatonin - melatonin that does NOT circulate and make your sleepy. It stays in your cells, mopping up that nasty radical stuff that gets created when you are making ATP (energy). So, not all melatonin in your body makes you sleepy...just the 5% secreted from your pineal gland. And it will only release that sleepy melatonin when you allow it to be dark. So, avoid screen time 2 hours before bed. If you need light, think low and red - like our ancestors used only fire at night - they didn't have TVs and cell phones and when the sun went down, that was it. The way we live currently is unnatural, and it really screws up our master clock - our circadian rhythm. And if your master clock is off, that is BAD because your master clock is what regulates vital systems in your body. These days, I am not allowing blue light in the evening, I take melatonin, drink my sleepy tea, and I make sure I got my NIR from the morning and evening sunlight. Fun fact...you don't even need to be directly in the sun. The grass, trees...they all reflect near-infrared -p so your eyes will still be able to drink in that nourishing, invisible light, even if you are in the shade of a tree! xoxo
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Ambien is what started my decade-long polydrugging nightmare...so I definitely would not recommend Z-drugs. Of course, no doctor ever told me they acted like benzos. I saw a LOT of doctors and specialists over the years and not a single one ever raised an eyebrow to all the meds I was on. Makes me angry.... Anyway, as i taper, I am using melatonin, and also chamomile tea (it has apigenin - great for the brain). I also started taking my D3 at night, combined with K2(MK-7). People tend to think "don't take vitamin D at night, it will disrupt your sleep." But that's not the case. Vitamin D3 isn't even really a vitamin, it's a hormone...and it stores up in your body. I highly suggest getting outside and exposing yourself to the morning and evening sunlight, for the NIR (near infrared). Only 5% melatonin is secreted from your pineal gland and circulates your body to make you sleepy. If your circadian rhythm is messed up, I would start there. Get the sun's NIR (morning/evening) - and not through a window...needs to be direct. The red light needs to go through your eyes and hit that ganglia. NIR is the invisible light...the rest of the visible light is what hits the rods and cones in that back of your eyeball, sending the message through your pineal glad to the back of your brain. Invisible light stops at the pineal gland - that's what you need. It also goes right into your cells, into the mitochondria and makes 95% of your melatonin - melatonin that does NOT circulate and make your sleepy. It stays in your cells, mopping up that nasty radical stuff that gets created when you are making ATP (energy). So, not all melatonin in your body makes you sleepy...just the 5% secreted from your pineal gland. And it will only release that sleepy melatonin when you allow it to be dark. So, avoid screen time 2 hours before bed. If you need light, think low and red - like our ancestors used only fire at night - they didn't have TVs and cell phones and when the sun went down, that was it. The way we live currently is unnatural, and it really screws up our master clock - our circadian rhythm. And if your master clock is off, that is BAD because your master clock is what regulates vital systems in your body. These days, I am not allowing blue light in the evening, I take melatonin, drink my sleepy tea, and I make sure I got my NIR from the morning and evening sunlight. Fun fact...you don't even need to be directly in the sun. The grass, trees...they all reflect near-infrared -p so your eyes will still be able to drink in that nourishing, invisible light, even if you are in the shade of a tree! xoxo



this is a fantastic report! Thank you LDS

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Same boat as you with the K (currently down to 0.09mg day and 0.11mg at night and insomnia is still a MF-er ocassionally out of the blue)...


I have a couple of things I use (not every night but according to my symptons),

1. Every night - chamomile tea (though I'm going to switch to liquid drops so I don't have to drink as much tea and then pee in the middle of the night)

2. On occasion if I its like 1am and I'm still not asleep - Bach Rescue Sleep (I'm a big dude so I take 2 of the liquid melt caps)

3. On occasion before sleep if I feel restless- California Poppy tincture (I take 1-2ML because as I'm said I'm a big dude)..

4. On occasion if its like 2am and I'm still not asleep - Aquilea Melatonin/Cali Poppy/Passion flower/Valerian - I got this one imported because my step mother also had a K dependence and swears this alone helped her get off of it [nobbc]https://www.sweetcare.com/aquilea-sleep-1-95mg-melatonin-p-014179uq?country=us&curr=usd&st=01&gclid=Cj0KCQiAu62QBhC7ARIsALXijXRmwlU5jRqJM-oAMEjOKO-u_t1_pD-2B3oLjm-630UpPAIOjIDMc60aAvHxEALw_wcB[/nobbc]

5. On rare ocassion - Unisom (though I hate the next day feeling it leaves), I avoid this one as much as possible...

6. Every night - Magnesium Glycinate 450mg


I try to get some excercise at least everyday early as possible. Coffee only 1 cup in the morning. Stimulant like Ginger tea as well only in the morning (helps with the days when sleep is shit).

If you get issues with Insomnia as well its most likely you are tapering too fast... like me... so I'm going to go into a holding pattern starting today...


Edit: Deactivated commercial link.


this is very helpful! Thanks for the list. I also heat up half and half and add a little vanilla extract and have it with 2 benadryl's - works sometimes, not always

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Benadryl melatonin is a good combination that is harmless. If this doesn't work, then a low dose (7.5-15 mgs) of remeron may help, very potent sleep inducer and won't mess with the GABA system
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