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Has anyone ever heard of someone who CT'd and developed delusions of grandeur?


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My son recently went off all his meds, klonopin  and gabapenten. Instead of feeling bad, he insists he's beat it; but is acting completely irrational (on and off), blames everyone for his problems, and thinks he has the answer to everything. He doesn't sleep, though he never really has, but thinks he needs to stay awake to think all the great thoughts and ideas he is thinking, and even takes energy drinks to stay awake.


When I went through WDs, and pretty much everyone else I know who did, felt nine kinds of horrible. Anyone, ever hear of anything like this?

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"How long ago did he do a CT? Does he experience hallucinations?"


It's not clear. Can't tell when he's lying, mixed up, or just trying to confuse things. Long complicated story; but he may or may not have already come off everything before he lost his meds, and it's even unclear whether he has any meds. If he does, he refuses to take them. He claims the police stole his backpack. This all happened in Texas. I'm in NY, went out there to help and got him to come back to cousins' house in FL, then day after I flew back to NY, he walked out of their house. Can't really force him to do anything, he's an adult.


Not sure about hallucinations, but he is certainly delusional, and acting like he's on speed.


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Sounds like a manic episode. Is there any chance he is bipolar?


No evidence of depression. If he does come down, it's to periods of rationality. Has a lot of anger issues as well.


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