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Coping Strategies.


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Currently I’m going through pretty severe depression after my c/t off K about 2 months and 13 days ago. I’m finding this overwhelming sense of hopelessness, unrelenting anxiety (more like I’m on edge than panic attacks or anything. Just uncomfortable, 24/7, to the point of not leaving bed unless I have to), and severe depression, like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.


Do any of you have suggestions as far as coping strategies that I might try, to help me get through this? Currently, I’ve been playing games on my phone, watching TV and chatting with people. I’ve also tried some art and crafts stuff but nothing really seems to help for long at all. I’m starting to feel very doomed.

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You're doing all of the right things, finding ways to get through each 24 hour period that feels like 240 hours instead.  I know what you're feeling, the despair is not only mental but I could feel it physically too, like a huge solid mass in my stomach and abdomen that was sucking more and more of me into it, growing larger every minute, I didn't know what would happen when it got so big I'd burst, its overwhelming.


I wish I knew what to tell you, how to help but all I know is I never knew depression until I started taking these stupid drugs so I can now have empathy for those who chronically suffer.  If you're like me and haven't dealt with depression before these feelings should leave.

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Hi MissAria, sorry to hear you are suffering with severe depression, it really is frightening. I know the feeling of unrelenting anxiety. I used to think…..oh I wish I could have a panic attack and get it over with. I’m so glad you’ve joined BB. It has been a lifeline to me certainly.

Well, you are certainly not doomed. These awful feelings will pass. You are doing all the right things. Are you able to get outside at all? When I am able I try to go for a little walk and it helps me to stay connected to the world somehow.

Thinking of you.

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Hi MissAria, sorry to hear you are suffering with severe depression, it really is frightening. I know the feeling of unrelenting anxiety. I used to think…..oh I wish I could have a panic attack and get it over with. I’m so glad you’ve joined BB. It has been a lifeline to me certainly.

Well, you are certainly not doomed. These awful feelings will pass. You are doing all the right things. Are you able to get outside at all? When I am able I try to go for a little walk and it helps me to stay connected to the world somehow.

Thinking of you.


Unfortunately going outside isn’t much of an option for me, currently. I’m agoraphobic and haven’t really left my yard for two years. It’s incredibly debilitating and scary. I try so hard. I go up the steps and as soon as I get near the road, I get that feeling like acid is running through my veins and I can’t breathe and my brain is screaming to retreat. :( I feel so trapped. I hate it.

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Hi MissAria, I feel for you. You must feel quite trapped and I quite understand that it would be scary. Did you have agoraphobia before taking the meds?

Today, all I have done is lie in bed, listening to the radio, reading online news, watching a film and texting. I had a very tearful conversation with my Christian friend who prayed for me. I have only eaten plain biscuits and porridge for 3 days as my tummy is so upset. That will do me good as I need to lose weight. Just now I suddenly had the urge to have a shower and now feel slightly human. Another day nearly over. I hate it too but I just cannot see any other way to recover any sort of health. One of my buddies said …..Time is your friend…….and that helped me. I imagine my brain and body healing even though we don’t feel it. I hope your day has been slightly better. Can you tell be about the best bit?…..the worst bit?

Healing hugs 💕

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Currently I’m going through pretty severe depression after my c/t off K about 2 months and 13 days ago. I’m finding this overwhelming sense of hopelessness, unrelenting anxiety (more like I’m on edge than panic attacks or anything. Just uncomfortable, 24/7, to the point of not leaving bed unless I have to), and severe depression, like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.


Do any of you have suggestions as far as coping strategies that I might try, to help me get through this? Currently, I’ve been playing games on my phone, watching TV and chatting with people. I’ve also tried some art and crafts stuff but nothing really seems to help for long at all. I’m starting to feel very doomed.



Man do I really understand how this feels. I mean- really. You asked for suggestions for coping strategies and I will just tell you what I did. I spent a lot of time in prayer. Just talking to God outloud. I cried a lot, I held my dog and cried, I called friends and told them how bad I felt and they told me the same thing every time:"This is temporary. It will pass"... I feel like we had circular conversations where they told me it would pass and I said I did not think so and on an on and around and around we went. But the fact that they were there telling me I would be okay one day must have helped a l little. I read the article "what is happening in your brain" sometimes multiple times a day (it is in the repository section), I read success stories over and over. And I let time pass. I am 9 months out now. I remember a particularly bad day in September of 2021. I literally felt like it was impossible to feel this bad and still be living for long. It was a dark dark dark experience that made all of my previous depression seem like nothing. I believe this is chemical and I also believe we have the chemical brain that tells us it will last forever. It sucks. Hard. And it will pass. Just come on here and let us tell you that as much as you need to. I am sending you a big huge hug. So is my dog. Only in her case, it will be a quick lick when you are not looking.  :smitten:

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This crap can make you feel doomed. Unlike other illnesses where you can see or feel yourself getting better, benzo w/d is relentless. You often can't even sleep to avoid some of the 24/7 pain. Plus, not knowing decidedly when or even if relief will come often leaves you in a state of hopelessness about possible improvement, recovery, and restoration to normalcy. It is really demoralizing.


You said "01/13/22 started on 10mg Prozac". Is the prozacing helping you any in your opinion? ADs typically take 3-4 weeks to kick in but even there, they may not help to alleviate the distress you are feeling from the benzo w/d. They never did help me altho I did tolerate lexapro really well with virtually no side effects. Maybe, the prozac will help you a little.


The only things naturally I personally suggest to ppl are meditation, whole food-plant based diet, and mild exercise. Many ppl will not eat a diet like this and many are exercise intolerant but almost anyone can sit and meditate for 10 minutes every day X2. Even tho it is imperative that you wait for the brain to rewire and undo the damage done by benzos and revert to homeostasis pre-benzo, it is also important to try and do things naturally to help yourself now  and in the future. The mediation that I personally recommend is a book by Dr. Herbert Benson called the relaxation response. It is the exact opposite response of the fight or flight response that your nervous system is stuck in right now. You don't have to become a meditaton YoGI guru to benefit. It costs you absolutely nothing but a little bit of your time and is very simple and easy to do.



Eliciting the relaxation response is simple, he explained: Once or twice a day for 10 to 20 minutes, sit in a relaxed position, eyes closed, and repeat a word or sound as you breathe. Some people use such words as "love" or "peace." Others say traditional prayers. If your thoughts stray -- which is normal and expected -- just refocus on the word repetition.


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I remember a particularly bad day in September of 2021. I literally felt like it was impossible to feel this bad and still be living for long. It was a dark dark dark experience that made all of my previous depression seem like nothing.


Wow, I have had these type days too. You feel like how can my body withstand this incredible stress much longer. You truly feel like you will die from this at some point if things don't start to lighten up. I am still amazed at how resilient the human body is.

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