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Anxiety from tempazapam


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I am having anxiety this morning.  I took half a pill and it takes a whole pill to stop the anxiety.  I read over one of pamsters old messages last night that said it's the pills that cause the anxiety.  I never had extreme anxiety until I was on zopiclone and then restiril.  My brothers Girlfriend has cut me off and I it is too hard to be alone.  I have been alone since last Wednesday.  I can only contact my brother when she is at work.  I take too many pills when I am alone and they were guarding the pills for me.  I hope they will change there mind.
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I have anxiety this morning.  I took half a pill.

I accidentally dropped half a pill last night so I am short.  I only have 1 pill a day to take until I get my next refill.  I have to call the doctor next week and get a refill as I have no refills.


I have been able to call my brother when his girlfriend is not there, but still not welcome back there so I can't quit without my brother's help.  I hope I can make it on half a pill a day for anxiety as I was taking a whole pill a day for anxiety.

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I am having anxiety because I can't go to sleep on half a pill.  I am also worried that I won't get a refill as I have none left.
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I have my sister whom I am going to visit in a few weeks.  She has been checking on me to make sure I follow the pill dosing as prescribed which I have been doing since I got my prescription.  Thanks
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I only took  .25 for my anxiety as I took .5 to sleep and another .25 to sleep when I woke up.  I hope it is enough.  I woke up at 230.  I went to bed to early at 430.  My sister will be busy for 4 days and I can't text my brother on the weekend when his girlfriend is home from work so I am anxious.
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I am having anxiety.  I took .25 at 230am, but it put me asleep.  I need another .25 for my anxiety.  It is too hard not having my family and my friend said something rude on the phone yesterday.


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Dom, do you really want to stop the drugs? For most ppl at some point, they will stop working (then, what will you do?). I know anxiety can make your life miserable, but these pills are only giving you temporary relief. I know it is hard but it is possible to manage anxiety without reaching for a prescription pill when it gets bad.
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