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Jordan Peterson looks great and recovered!


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I was so encouraged to see Jordan Peterson speaking again at Oxford. He looks great! That was so encouraging to see as his recovery timeline matches mine very closely. His situation was extreme and now he looks great and well enough to travel and speak. So encouraging!


Here’s the video:


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Yep -- knowing the true date of this lecture is important.  I thought his suit hung on him and he appeared washed out.  I usually turn the audio off with Peterson so I have no comment on what he sounds like.


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  • 3 weeks later...

He is still heavily drugged. His story is not over.


He seems to be in good condition on the Rogan podcast, but who knows. I think he doesn't want to talk about it, which I think is a HUGE disservice to those who are still suffering, and could use a voice with some clout in their favor.

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Sure he talks about it, but he never gives the clinic names or where he went exactly. This is a disservice to those suffering from Wd, but most importantly those suffering from akathasia.
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Sure he talks about it, but he never gives the clinic names or where he went exactly. This is a disservice to those suffering from Wd, but most importantly those suffering from akathasia.


Its possible that he doesn't mention the clinic names because they didnt help him, (he’s stated this) he had to go all the way to Russia for help and then another country.

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Hes talked about it multiple times in interviews and videos and even writing a book about it.

I think you may be nisinformed


He wrote a book on his benzo experience?


I've seen all the times he's talked about it. He never really explains it well. He doesn't get across the torture this is for people. I get that dishonest media does hit pieces on him (like that disgusting lady slamming him when he was going to do an interview in good faith about the subject). But he clearly trusts people like Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet David.


Here's one of the ways he does a great disservice: On the Patrick Bet Davis podcast (Valuetainment), Peterson told Patrick, that the doctors told him the reason he couldn't sleep was because he had sleep apnea, and they put him on a machine, and now he is able to get 3hr sleep instead of 0hrs (this was like 6 months ago?). And that's where he left it. No other mention of his issue.


So apparently, it wasn't the 2yr of klonopin he was in. It was sleep apnea all this time, you see? I bet those piece of sh#@ "sleep study specialists" were jumping for joy at how many more CPAP machines they will get to peddle now. Also the pharm industry rubbing their hands "yes Peterson!! tell the world!! it was sleep apnea! not our drugs!"


Frankly, I'm surprised how such a phenomenally smart individual can be so colossally ignorant.

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I listened to joe Rogan podcast and while I’m glad they had the conversation I really wish someone would have the balls to actually tell it like it is. Use ur platform for some good.


I understand he has a lot to lose but seriously! If I had a platform I would get down and dirty about it. People need to know the absolute truth about what these drugs can do.

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I’d go to the moon if they could fix me hahaha! I just wish he would give the names so that people could explore those options. I know he went to Serbia as well.
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I listened to joe Rogan podcast and while I’m glad they had the conversation I really wish someone would have the balls to actually tell it like it is. Use ur platform for some good.


I understand he has a lot to lose but seriously! If I had a platform I would get down and dirty about it. People need to know the absolute truth about what these drugs can do.


He's afraid of losing his credibility as a "well established clinical psychologist". Technically, he's expected to know the dangers of these drugs, as he deals with people that are on them, and he himself has promoted their use before.


If I were in his shoes, damned be the credibility. I would rather tell it all and help others not make the same mistake. It would be worth losing all credibility if it helped a few people avoid this nightmare. For that, I have lost some respect of the man.


I've had the chance to help people at work. I actually bumped into someone that was given a benzo for anxiety. He wasn't taking it due to fear. I told him he has no idea the bullet he dodged. Told him my whole story, and suggested things that will help him much more, and to throw that @!%# away asap! I'm doing what little I can do from my corner of the world. This guy should step up and do the same.

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I listened to joe Rogan podcast and while I’m glad they had the conversation I really wish someone would have the balls to actually tell it like it is. Use ur platform for some good.


I understand he has a lot to lose but seriously! If I had a platform I would get down and dirty about it. People need to know the absolute truth about what these drugs can do.


He's afraid of losing his credibility as a "well established clinical psychologist". Technically, he's expected to know the dangers of these drugs, as he deals with people that are on them, and he himself has promoted their use before.


If I were in his shoes, damned be the credibility. I would rather tell it all and help others not make the same mistake. It would be worth losing all credibility if it helped a few people avoid this nightmare. For that, I have lost some respect of the man.


I've had the chance to help people at work. I actually bumped into someone that was given a benzo for anxiety. He wasn't taking it due to fear. I told him he has no idea the bullet he dodged. Told him my whole story, and suggested things that will help him much more, and to throw that @!%# away asap! I'm doing what little I can do from my corner of the world. This guy should step up and do the same.


10000000000% - you are spot on here!

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He did do an interview with an English journalist and explained everything.

However, the interview went south and the journalist they had vetted attacked him and said how could he not trust the drs in the states or Canada.  They are the experts etc.


I listened to it, it was truly vile and all the media picked it up after that and said he was mentally ill.


They tried to explain all the dangers, but fell upon deaf ears.


They did several episodes on his YouTube channel, he did reach some people.


However, because of his politics in Canada, to this day people make fun of him for his bad appearance (from the benzo) and his untidy office etc.


I don’t agree with all his politics, some I do, but sure wish it had turned out different.


His story really could have made a difference.

He tired, but they gave up - don’t blame him, too traumatic.


He also has retired his position at University of Toronto and so many people are happy!

So just goes to show you why no one listened to him.


I think the interview I was talking about is on his daughters account.



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Peterson alluded to his post withdrawal exhaustion when interviewed by Brett Weinstein on Dark Horse -- somewhere on Youtube but I can't find it now. Weinstein, clearly a fan, kid gloved the issue of his health.


I think high profile (or sort of high profile) people who have suffered from benzo use or withdrawal and, who are annoyingly coy about their experience , only contribute to the stigma of drug use - even if prescribed.  Avoiding the subject is embracing "addiction".  Should we all be ashamed?

I think Peterson is overrated and I would be more interested in his books/lectures if he had been more forthcoming about how bad K really was for him.  The guy disappeared for months.  Folks may think he's courageous to speak on other subjects but on benzodiazepines I believe he is not.  Disappointing.

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But I mean, look what’s happening to the people speaking out about certain other things that will not be named lest this thread be shut down. u speak out on big pharma, they will shut u down and discredit u.


I still wish people would speak up, but I get it. I’m some aspects. Maybe he feels he has other work to do and wants to try and “distract” by focusing on that. Imagine feeling like we’re feeling in wd, and being torn down in public? God I give him kudos for that coz I couldn’t go to the grocery store at one point without feeling like the whole place was staring at me.


I have listened to some of his preaching and I’ve gotta say it had me in tears. But I havent done a deep dive on his beliefs so I can’t say weather I agree or not. Just was very moved by one in particular I listened to.

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Peterson's entire desire is to get people in general to not be nihilistic. What ended up happening is that a lot of young men attached themselves HARD to his message, and he started to tailor his approach to focus on them primarily.


And well, that pissed off a lot of people with leftist ideologies, and caused people with rightist ideologies to see him as some kind of sage. The guy is really not from either camp. So in came the hatchet men! And by that, I mean the extreme sides of either group, one with the mission to discredit at all costs, and the other to deify at all costs.


Peterson himself, realizes this, and tries to walk the tightrope as best as he can. I do remember that interview where he told his story. And all it did was get that "journalist" to start attacking him as some sort of "alt-right" figure, because she was one of the hatchet people. I don't even remember what news media it was, but it was absolutely disgusting to listen to, kicking a man when he's down already.

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Yes but that’s what the media loves to do. Contort the message to suit their particular agenda. I try not to watch MSM for that reason.



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Bang on Andros!


You said it perfectly!!


He does skirt the line and go right down the middle most times, others he just comes right out with his views against certain government policies, laws and states why he disagrees etc.


I’m generally liberal, but agree with a few of his points where he disagrees.


I don’t watch the news anymore either!


Sad, that the world didn’t learn from him.



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Yes but that’s what the media loves to do. Contort the message to suit their particular agenda. I try not to watch MSM for that reason.


I knew this from the early 2000's, but it took 15 years for the normies to start catching on.

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