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How long for Diazepam to leave the body


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If you had two people who both went cold turkey after taking Diazepam/Valium....one person has been taking it for 1 year and the other person had taken it for 20 years. Does it take roughly the same amount of time for it to leave the two people's systems? 🤔

Someone mentioned today that it doesn't take a person any longer to get it out of their system and said it doesn't matter if they have been on it 1 year or twenty years, it's the same.

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I can't see where it matters, the issue isn't how long it takes to leave your body, it's the changes your brain made to accommodate the drug, changes that have to be reversed as the drug is removed.
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Pamster is right...


While Valium has a long half life, the TEMPORARY damage may linger for a long time after the drug is out of your system.  I was told by 4 different ER doctors in 4 different cities that I can't possibly have Benzo WD because the Benzos "were out of my system."  3 of the 4 didn't even recognize Benzo WD as being possible and the 4th doctor said "even if it's real, it should only last 2-4 weeks...max"


A lot factors into what sort of WD experience you'll have...genetics, baseline health, age, diet, etc.  Someone may have been on Benzos for 20 years and have a less severe WD and more mild symptoms than a person that was only on 1 year.  Each WD experience is like a snowflake...no two are alike, especially regarding how long they last and how severe or mild they are!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know how much this matters, but back in 2009 when i tried to go c/t from valium, and was having bad side effects and had nonclue it was from the valium withdrawal, i was going to the ER like 3 times a week trying to find out what rare illness I had…


Well about 3 or 4 months into the c/t i was at an ER and they did a drug test and benzos still showed up… I had no liver problems according to tests that would slow down excretion or anything


The ER dr told my wife I must be sneaking and taking them still and I swear to God I wasnt


I am a bigger guy, over 250 and it could have been in my fat cells or whatever but im pretty sure this was a standard urine test, although it may have been a blood test.


So yeah it takes them a long time to come out totally for some ppl… even without liver problems and i was having horrible side effects even when it was still showing up in my system after 3 or 4 months or more, this was after roughly 3 yrs of using benzos


I got ao bad off on the side effects during that time, that i started having facial dystonia about a month later and had to start taking it again and have continued ever since until this recent attempt to taper.


Just my own personal experience, i cant get the medical records to show exact dates because that hospital was closed down and acquired by another local hospital, but i know it had been about 3-4 months and i was still testing positive for benzos and i hadnt put a single one in my mouth.

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