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Has anyone experienced a anaphylactic reaction before. I have mast cell problems now and I get grades of anaphylaxis but yesterday i almost had to call 911. My hearts hot up to 147 and my throat swelled and I was shaking uncontrollably with tremors. This happened so fast within 5 minutes of eating. Normally my reactions last 30 minutes and I am ok. I rebounded hours later again and ended up taking 50mg of Benadryl yesterday. My throat was still mildly swollen this morning. I have been dealing with mast cell issues for 2 years now but my reactions are getting more serious. I just need some encouragement I have ptsd from this disorder it’s scary at times.
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Godsmyhope, I just read your post and I can't imagine anyone going through what you just posted, I hope that it gets better for you and sending love and prayers your way that you won't have another attack.  Hugs, Spazzie
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so sorry to hear what you've been dealing with...


When I was suffering from inter-dose withdrawal about 2 years ago, I went into anaphylactic shock several times. I've never had a history of allergies and had no idea what was happening. My face swelled up like crazy, hives broke out all over my body, I had a really hard time breathing, and my blood pressure fell so quickly that I almost passed out. In the span of 5 months, I went into shock 5 times!! Was rushed to urgent care/ER three times (administered epi-pen and injected with prednisone), and my husband had to use the epi-pen on me the other 2 times. The reactions came on out of nowhere (I was just sitting and watching tv for 4 of those times, and the last time was when I was eating), and it's incredibly scary. I was terrified to go to the ER when it was packed with covid. When I went to get tested for allergies, it turned out it was for everything - palm trees, oak trees, grass, dust, birds...about 40 different allergens (no food allergies though). I've never had a history of allergies, and even had allergy tests a few years ago that showed the only thing I was allergic to was cats. Now that I'm almost 6 months off off benzos, I've noticed slightly less sensitivity towards everything, and I haven't gone into shock since April 2020. I still have epi-pens everywhere though.

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