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24 months and over support group.


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Couldn't find a group for this hopefully others in same boat. Bit too nervous to spend too long on protracted board scare me a bit! I'm nearly 32 months off zopiclone, dabbled with AD's but just made things worse, stopped them about 17 months ago. GP forced me to go CT off zopiclone which I think resulted in the prolonged symptoms as had no problems on it. I only ever had insomnia , no anxiety before being made to stop. Mixture physical and mental symptoms at first, the physical eased after few months, but mental been unrelenting, had 1 window of just an hour recently, but get waves, usually last a about a day. Trying get appt with new GP see if there is anything I  can temporarily take ease mental stuff. Hopefully someone will reply😊


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Was hoping you would have got some reply’s as I’d be interested too ! You seem to have had bad reactions to AD’s same as me so that’s probably a no no !


I have anxiety and low mood , I did have issues pre benzo’s but nothing like this so I get your frustration, here’s what I do to try and manage it .


I have done two rounds of CBT , 22 sessions each time , it helps.

I meditate twice a day if I can , sometimes my head is just to busy but a guided meditation helps.

I go for a walk pretty much as soon as I wake up to try and stop the feeling of dread, most mornings I walk 6 miles , I listen to podcasts whilst I’m walking .

I have recently taken up sea swimming, well treading water really , it’s good for all round health and mental health.

I volunteer in a charity shop , back ache is a problem so I don’t do much so I’m looking for volunteer admin now , I have no confidence yet to apply for a paid job because some days I just couldn’t face it.

I keep a daily journal and write 3 things at the end that have been positive, sometimes it’s hard to think of anything 😂

I try my best to eat healthy food , recently started on green shots.


All in all I bet you have tried all of the above ( maybe not the sea swimming 😂)


I still have some physical symptoms but they are improving, mental stuff gets me down but I keep telling myself it will pass because it will .


Some people swear by some supplements for mood .


Sorry if this hasn’t helped but I just wanted to reply .


Take care and keep your eye on the prize , things will get better.



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Yes AD's weren't good experience at all in my case. Yes tried pretty much most things, seems most supplements Rev me up sadly. Because the nature of the anxiety is intrusive thoughts it really limits what I can do. I know CBT helps lot people, think because my symptoms chemically induced sadly didn't really help, spent fortune on therapists as well. Could understand it if I had anxiety before, but didn't was purely insomnia, which was hormone related. Hopefully some others will respond, it's really lonely place to be. If I can ever get appt with GP, am considering trying something to help, don't know what?? Just got to stage can't cope with it much longer. Now my hair thinning & not growing, the AD's caused same symptoms strangely!
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  • 2 months later...
I'm close to 24 months out I can't believe how long it takes nerve damage to heal..but yeah still am healing from brain injury. Hopefully next year will be completely healed. I am definitely grateful for how far I have came. Hold on it gets better.
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