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Hypnic jerks... jaw


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I am on day 19 since quitting clonazepam.


I have had terrible insomnia since day one like 1 hour or no sleep some nights. Then I had a day or 5 where I made 3 to 5 hours but in blocks, waking up with dreams in between.


Now I had another 3 nights of only 1 hour or so of poor sleep, I feel horrible, cant work, had to move in with my mom with my kid.


My worst thing is... Right before I start to dose off my jaw slams shut... sometimes really really hard. I have a mouth guard for teeth clenching and I had to put orthodontic wax on it to somewhat take the loud sound out of my teeth hitting it. Its absolutely horrible to feel out of nothing have your jaw shut, sometimes it comes around the same time as other hypnic jerks in my body but those seem to be getting less. I am terrified to go to sleep which doesnt help the insomnia... when I finally give in either the teeth thing wakes me up again or I get so horrified after a couple of times that then I am wide awake for the rest of the night.


The jaw thing started day 3, never had it before. I feel like such a freak and I cant find any stories online of someone experiencing this, except in a paper from 1991 some old guy unrelated to benzos. I am so scared this will never go away anymore, I read in protracted hypnic and muscle stuff can last for years.


Also I read insomnia makes hypnic stuff worse so then I am trapped...


Please tell me I will get better... I have an important over seas family trip in December and I am afraid in this zombie state I cant make it, I cant even go home alone. I think my main problem is insomnia my other symptoms diminished much on day 16 and I felt my first window of normal, was also the only day I had more sleep. But in general its been 19 night pretty much no sleep. I am losing it.


Is there another mom like me that wants to be buddies through thiss.

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Sorry this is so hard, but you WILL get better


You are very early in the recovery and healing process


But congratulations for getting off.  Instead of repeating what I've already posted, I'm linking what you should read below


Just know everything you are experiencing is "normal" coming off of Benzos.  I didn't have a jaw that slammed shut, but had a clenched jaw for about 3-4 months.


You are NOT trapped.  This is ALL TEMPORARY.  You will heal.  It takes time and more time.  I never thought I'd heal and I am 100% healed now!





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